Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
mpowering greatness in others is at
the heart of every technical solution the
University of Alabama at Birmingham
(UAB) has made, and this could not be more evident
from the technology transformation that has taken
place over the past four years under the leadership
of Dr. Curt Carver. It is no surprise that the University
of Alabama at Birmingham was keen to enlist
Carver to spearhead IT operations with his
impressive career history and dedication to student
and staff wellbeing. Carver previously worked as
the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and
CIO at the University System of Georgia. Prior to
that, during his time at the US Military Academy
at West Point, he rose through the academic ranks
from instructor to full professor, before becoming
Vice Dean, serving as deputy to the Chief Academic
Officer. Whilst in this role, Carver also participated
as an American Council of Education fellow at
George Mason University, visiting 40 other universities
across the United States, gaining a holistic view
of task management across various universities.


In an exclusive interview
with Vice President and CIO,
Dr. Curt Carver Jr., he shares
the hundreds of ‘wins’
achieved in streamlining
the university experience



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