Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

Be Future Ready.

Outpace Change.

With student success a top-of-mind issue for the
higher education industry, institutions are poised
to have their day in the sun—proving not just their
academic worth but their strategic value as well.
To make good on that promise and thrive in the
digital age, institutions must stay ahead of the
fast-changing forces that are driving new educa-
tional models, a student-minded culture and new
ways of working. They must Be Future-Ready and
Outpace Change.
The focus for many institutions is on improved
student outcomes, which means retaining stu-
dents in any possible way for them to reach their
academic goals. But this requires many human
resources, engaged faculty and skilled talent.
Catering to your students also means that institu-
tions and their workforces have the right insight
and data at their fingertips to advise students
properly. Answering the many student inquiries—
from common to more complex financial aid ques-
tions—can be time-consuming, and often ends up
being costly to institutions.
How do you stay ahead in a world that is changing
faster than ever? Human intelligence alone isn’t
enough. Innovations in AI, machine learning and
digital assistants are analyzing data, providing
answers, and suggesting next steps to help
students and employees respond in minutes, not
weeks or months. Predictive analytics are fore-
casting multiple scenarios to help institutions be
ready for future disruptions. Human resources,
finance, and student-focused offices will play a
pivotal role in building a future-ready institution
that can not only withstand change, but outpace it.
Digital transformation is a challenge for any
institution. In the past, most have relied on dispa-
rate, on-premises solutions designed to serve
specific purposes. This meant that processes for
core functions like recruiting, talent management,

financial aid management, and financial planning
and budgeting were carried out in different sys-
tems. With no integration—and no single system
of record—processes were disconnected, ease of
use was impeded, user experience was dimin-
ished, and vital data was left untapped.
Many institutions thought they could solve the
challenge by simply performing a “lift and shift” of
their on-premises solutions to a cloud infrastruc-
ture. While this model can reduce costs, it does
not help with innovation of student interactions
and processes themselves.
Hear how Butler University decided to
simplify their financial aid process
and how the University of Pittsburgh is
modernizing their human capital
management,financials, and analytic
processes to Be Future-Ready and
Outpace Change.

Get to know Oracle – we are committed to Higher
Education. Built natively for the cloud to support
the entire institution and student life-cycle, our
solutions include Student Cloud, Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Performance
Management (EPM), Human Capital Management
(HCM) and Customer Experience (CX) - all
working together on a shared cloud platform.


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