Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

jokes Carver. At the end of each term,
staff are tasked with the movement
of student records from the learning
management system to the student
information system. “So if you’re
teaching 300 students, that’s about
900 clicks to complete this task, taking
hours. And if you make an error, the
staff member then has three different
permissions and five forms to complete
to rectify the mistake,” explains Carver.
“So we built a button, and all of the
information is transported across

Curtis A. Carver Jr
Curtis A. Carver Jr., Ph.D., was named Vice President for
Information Technology and Chief Information Officer in
June 2015, following a national search. A senior leader in
higher education information technology, Carver came to
UAB from his position as Vice Chancellor and CIO for the
Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia,
having previously held key leadership positions at the US
Military Academy at West Point. Carver earned a bachelor’s
degree in computer science from the US Military Academy
at West Point and his Master’s Degree and Doctorate in
computer science from Texas A&M University. Throughout
his career, he has received numerous national and
international honors and awards for military, teaching,
and research excellence. Carver is a frequent keynote
speaker and has published extensively.

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