Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

a solution. He commends his team
of staff, who are particularly committed
to the improvement of cybersecurity.
Carver reflects on how cybersecurity
has improved: “When I started in 2015,
it took us about 800 minutes to close
out a phishing attack. Today we do it in
11.” He returns to the topic of passwords,
sharing another solution that was
deployed. “We gave students and staff
a mobile-enabled platform that tracks
passwords and generates strong unique
ones, strengthening security further.”
Of the many wins, Carver said his
favorite was the movement of 1,250

undergraduate classes into the
learning management system. “This
cloud-based solution enabled students
to push one button, and all of their
undergraduate classes, all of the
requirements then transfer into their
mobile device calendar.” This is a
drastic change from the previous
organization where staff either handed
out paper timetables or posted them
on their own websites.
Looking ahead, Carver notes some
of the solutions that the university
is currently piloting. “We’re working

on building a navigation system that (^173173)

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