Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

automatically locates free parking
space for students.” Carver and his
team are working toward a new
strategic plan that, in the true spirit
of his ethos, is a compilation of stories
about those who will benefit from the
technology solutions. “This puts
customers at the center of the
conversation and it focuses on digital
moments that delight them. So we’re
very excited about the future and what
we’re going to be able to do with this
kind of customer centric approach.”
In a time where technology and AI
is considered to be detached if not
impersonal, Carver is subverting this
with his leadership, and using technology
to improve the lives and relationships of
staff and students. With any hope, his
innovation will spread to other universi-
ties, with the University of Alabama at
Birmingham leading the way.

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