Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

On the front line of a lender’s relationship
with its clients is the point of sale (POS)
system. In a competitive environment,
the speed and efficiency with which a
loan application can be processed
makes all the difference. The POS
system Gateway selected was
provided by Blend, a Silicon Valley
software developer that now connects
more than 15,000 banks and financial
institutions to make routine checks. “It
used to take days or even weeks to get
through an application process, which
was stressful for the applicant, but now

on the mortgage side of the business
we average less than 30 minutes,”
stated Harpe. “We can automatically
pull W2s, tax records and the like,
ingest these files and use the Blend
platform to digest the information and
quickly get through the 1003 process.”
The difference this makes to the
customer experience is immense
and it helps Gateway deliver its vision
to realize the American Dream of
homeownership. As Blend’s founder
Nima Ghamsari has said, a large
number of people don’t realize they
qualify for home ownership until they

Steven Harpe, CIO
Harpe leads customers using a unique combination of business
experience coupled with 30 years of technology background
in large scale cloud computing operations and engineering
management. He has engineered, implemented, and managed
some of the world’s largest technology platforms with
multifaceted business applications. In addition, he has led
initiatives to digitize technologies based on aged architectures,
including providing mobile platforms. Harpe is dedicated to
enthusiastic and progressive leadership as a means of creating
and nurturing a lifelong passion of developing people to
achieve their goals. In April 2019 he was appointed to the
Oklahoma Board of Corrections. Harpe is a keen drummer
in his spare time, having backed a number of rock bands.

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