Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

go through this process. Not surpris-
ingly, customer satisfaction and net
promoter score (NPS) rates have
soared. “Everything we’re doing is
geared around the customer experience
and we remove as much friction from
that process as we can,” Harpe
emphasizes. “Blend is going to be
helping us with direct deposit for new
deposit account creation as well.”
After approval, the loan application
moves into the loan origination process.
The current loan origination software
(LOS) provider Byte has served the
company well but Gateway will be

selecting a new partner in the summer
of 2019. Discussions are in hand with
two industry-leading contenders.
As the launch of Gateway First Bank
approached it was clear it should move
to the most sophisticated core banking
system available. In January 2019, it
was announced that this partner would
be FIS, a global leader in financial
services technology with a focus on
retail and institutional banking. “FIS is
a global company, and it supports
many of the leading direct-to-consumer
banks in the market around the world,”
says Harpe. “Its service will be hosted

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