Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
on its own private cloud, in which it
has invested massively, and it has
deep experience and scale in digital
banking.” The transition from the
current Jack Henry banking system
will take place in July 2019.
Loan servicing is the ongoing
relationship between lender and client,
and this relationship will be trusted to
Sagent LoanServ, another partner with
its own private cloud. Moving infra-
structure from the data center into the
cloud, whether private or public, has
been an ongoing goal of the IT team,
and has largely been achieved, with
Blend hosted on AWS as well as both
contenders for the LOS. “By the end of
2020, we are going to be sitting in a
very unique place. We are a mortgage
company that became a bank – and
that is exciting enough in itself – but by
then we will have all of our core
technology running our operations in
our business wholly on the cloud, on
some of the largest fintech platforms.”
Such partners were selected because
they are highly future-oriented
organizations that look at themselves
primarily as technology companies.
This, says Harpe, drives their behavior
and decision making.

Stephen Harpe,
CIO, Gateway First Bank

“ Everything we’re
doing is geared
around the customer
experience and we
remove as much
friction from that
process as we can”



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