Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
vaya is a software and services organiza-
tion that has a long legacy in the telecom-
munications industry. Headquartered
in California’s Santa Clara, in the heart of Silicon
Valley, the business has evolved alongside the
industry. “The evolution really came down to the
mobile device – the smart phone becoming the
entry point for communications across every
platform,” explains Tim Gogal, Senior Director
of Client Experience Innovation at Avaya.
“Looking at it from a corporate perspective,
not only do we have a very strong focus on evolving
our customer strategies around the evolution
of a multichannel or omnichannel approach
to customer service, we also internally create
and invent software that ties all those things
together.” Gogal’s team has developed its strategy
to optimize the transition from legacy telecommuni-
cations engineering skill sets to software develop-
ments that cater to clients’ needs.
“I run a sales organization that focuses
on evolving our clients’ customer service strategies.


As Avaya provides tailored services
for its clients, the company’s Senior
Director of Client Experience
Innovation reveals how digital
transformation is changing the
telecommunications industry



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