Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
We’re moving away from simply
focusing on contact centers
and looking at a larger digital transfor-
mation imperative,” Gogal says.
“We’re understanding how customers
are communicating with brands and
social media using crowd sourcing
websites, and we’re addressing the
larger understanding that customer
service today, in a digital transforma-
tion mindset, is completely different
than the industry as a whole.” Having
previously worked as a contact center
agent, Gogal realized there was a better
way of doing business if organizations
could align technologies with customer
service strategies. Through his analysis
of the strategy, Gogal earned his place
as a global voice architect which led
to him selling the technology that
can transform businesses.
With the proliferation of mobile
devices, Avaya ensures it is offering
the most advanced services whilst
maintaining a tailored approach,
enhancing efficiency and desirability
in its communications component.
“Digital transformation is ultimately
defining that there’s a larger imperative
at play; it encompasses much more

Tim Gogal,
Senior Director of Client
Experience Innovation, Avaya

“ The industry itself
uniquely allows
Avaya to position
itself as an
industry expert”



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