Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

legacy technology environments to
leveraging cloud technologies. It’s
about right workload in the right place
for the right business requirements,”
says Davis. “Today, our customers are
managing IT environments that are more
complex than ever as they manage
distributed environments that consist
of workloads or applications sitting
on-prem and in private clouds, sitting
out at public clouds, and now on the
intelligent edge and with many different
public cloud providers.”
The complexity and increasingly
interconnected nature of enterprise
software and the businesses that
software supports is at the heart
of Davis’ second core truth: “Digital
transformation strategy needs to be
holistic, because it’s not just about the
technology,” she insists. “One of the
first things I ask our customers is what
their corporate strategy is. Technology
should be leveraged to help drive the
overall corporate or government
strategy of the company. Corporate
strategy and technology need to be
connected. Today, every company
is a technology company.”
In a landscape where technological
innovations move from the theoretical

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