Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

networks while giving the corporate
a chance to benefit from innovative
new projects.
This change in corporate culture
takes many forms including mentor-
ship programmes and in-house tech
incubators but strategic partnerships
are gradually emerging as the most
effective way of leveraging a startups’
disruptive potential.
As corporations become larger and
more results-oriented it makes it more
difficult for innovative ideas to come
to fruition. That’s why I believe forward-
thinking companies are increasingly
looking to collaboration with startups
as the solution. After all, there’s
nothing to suggest that corporates
and startups have to co-exist as
separate entities. In the digital age,
size doesn’t guarantee future success.
If large companies don’t take the
necessary action to stay one step
ahead, they’ll soon find themselves
falling behind.

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