Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
ces Sustainability is quickly shifting from
an idealistic preference to a mission-
critical change in operations. Beyond
reduced waste and increased efficiency,
sustainability has emerged as a necessary
way to do business to appeal to both partners
and customers.
Sustainable business practices are
especially relevant in the packaging industry,
historically one of the biggest contributors
to supply-related waste with an estimated
30,000 tons rotting in landfills. Cascades,
one of the top packaging manufacturers
in North America, is on the front lines of
sustainable business practices through
a streamlined supply chain. To hear about
their story, we sat down with Xavier Duprat,
Director of Logistics and Production
Planning at Cascades.

To get started, please tell us about Cascades
and its core values? Cascades produces,
converts and markets packaging and tissue
products that are composed mainly of
recycled fibres. With 25 plants operating
across Canada and the United States, we
are the largest manufacturer of container-
board in Canada and the sixth-largest in
North America. In line with our corporate
mission to “improve the well-being of people,




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