Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
focus on the supply chain. Since
choosing SAP, we have seen value-
driven results, including:

  • Improved decision-making with
    the aid of more-accurate data and
    forecasts (up to 80% better forecast-
    ing accuracy

  • 90% less time needed for data

  • Reduced costs, due to increased
    visibility and improved collaboration

  • Improved planning security
    supporting sales to new markets

  • Greater efficiency with maximised
    production capacity and faster access
    to relevant information for both internal
    and external users

  • Enhanced ability of employees and
    salespeople to focus on value-added
    tasks such as customer service

What trends are you seeing within the
packaging industry and how are you
adapting to them? The containerboard
industry is increasingly moving towards
a “buyer’s market,” as more capacity
and foreign investments are shifting
the equilibrium of demand and supply
in this direction. In the past, it might
have been somewhat acceptable to
operate and service customers with



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