On the Doorstep Magazine – July-August 2019

(Tina Sui) #1
by Estelle and Julia from the Clearing Concept

f there is one thing I would have
done differently when becoming a
parent, it would have been how
much I gave in to the pressure to
buy as much as possible for the
tiny little humans in my life. 
Everything had to be new.  I had to
have everything, ‘just in case’ and I
couldn’t imagine my precious little
bundle of joy in something
another baby had already used, no
matter what the rational part of
my brain was telling me.  We could
afford it and so why not?  By the
time the second one came along I
would have a very different view
on this, but for now, there was no
such thing as enough.  I searched
lists online of all the things I could
and ‘should’ buy.  I felt good as I
got closer and closer to ticking
everything off.  Even as founders
of a decluttering and organising
business, we too are far from

Don't get caught out in the usual 'prep' cycle we all end up in when your new
baby is on its way. Instead have a declutter and get organised!


Estelle and Julia at
The Clearing
Concept want to
help you feel
happier and less
stressed in your

The panic sets in that you won’t
have enough.  The fear that you
might be judged at a parenting
class because you don’t have this,
or you don’t know what the latest
gadget is, is too much to bear,
especially when hormones are
raging and nesting tendencies are
taking over.

It’s only when you have piles and
piles of stuff lying around and
stressing you out that you realise
where it all went a bit wrong. 
Charity shops are bursting at the
seams; you can’t even give the
stuff away, and friends turn down
your offers of barely used items in
favour of buying the latest
version.  You might get lucky and
sell it on ‘Facebay’ for a fiver, but it
can all leave a bitter taste in your

"It's only when you
have piles and piles
of stuff laying
around and
stressing you out
you realise where it
all went wrong"

We are not here to tell you what
kind of parent to be or what
choices to make, but to share our
opinions, knowledge and
experience of having to deal with
the other side of over-
consumption, particularly when it
comes to preparing for a new
arrival.  We have decluttered
countless homes where we can
immediately see the results of
panic buying and the feeling of
complete overwhelm that has
engulfed the entire house.




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