On the Doorstep Magazine – July-August 2019

(Tina Sui) #1
Beware the knick-knacks!
As my children started to become
more mobile I realised so many of
the trinkets I’d collected over the
years were becoming an issue. 
And cables; children REALLY like to
chew on them.  Take this as an
opportunity to clear the excess tat
and baby proof as much as you
can in advance – everyone I know
has had to suddenly rush around
baby proofing when their little
ones start to move!  There are
boxes you can get specifically to
tidy cables away, or make your
own from tutorials online.  If you
have bookcases, or anything for
that matter on low shelves or in
boxes on the floor, it WILL end up
all over the floor if you don’t
remove it.  Save yourself a mad
scramble in the future and have a
baby-proofing session in advance.

Research first
If there are things you want to buy
that you know your baby will only
use for a short amount of time,
check how popular they are and
what their resale value is.  Join
Facebook Marketplace, have a look
on eBay; this will help you see
what you can expect to get for it
after you no longer need it, if you
can get rid of it at all.  You might
also discover a practically unused
one for a bargain price!  We find
this really helps to put your
purchases into perspective and
might change your mind on buying
absolutely everything new.  Talk to
people with children already! 
They will be happy to share what
was and wasn’t worth it.

For a chance to win a free
decluttering session with
Estelle and Julia worth £300,
all you have to do is;

Follow @theclearingconcept on
Instagram or like our Facebook

Send us an email to
[email protected]
with a few short sentences
explaining why you need a
professional declutterer and
organiser in your life!

Open to Kent residents only

One winner will be selected at
random - entries must be sent by
midnight 15/08/

Stop comparing
People WILL be talking about the
latest pushchairs; people WILL be
talking about the latest Jumperoo. 
What you need to decide is if you
want to be a part of that or if you
want to try and buy more
consciously for your own needs
and preferences.  We all need to
consume to some degree or
another, but we can choose to do
it in a less wasteful way that will
make our everyday lives less
stressful and overwhelming.

Create new habits from day one
Welcoming a new arrival is the
perfect time to look at your
spending and consumption habits
and decide if this is what you want
to pass down to the new
generation.  If you see objects in
your home as replaceable and
expendable, your children will,
too.  If you live with an excess of
belongings far more than you
need, your children will think it is
normal, too.  Children need space,
not things, to spark their creativity
and they, too, can easily become
overwhlemed.  A calm and
uncluttered environment for child
and parents alike makes for a
much happier and less stressed

Estelle and Julia at The Clearing
Concept want to help you feel
happier and less stressed in your
home! Decluttering and organising is
their passion and they are here to
help you get your home in order and
free you from mess and clutter so
that you can focus on the things that
are really important to you.

Visit http://www.theclearingconcept.com
for more information. 


Nursery image - credit @sweethomestyling

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