On the Doorstep Magazine – July-August 2019

(Tina Sui) #1


When you become a mum it's very hard to know when
to step away and find time for yourself.

It becomes routine and expected to be the go to for
everyone in the household, and you can begin to feel
the pressure that without you, the house would quite
simply fall apart.

And whilst we all love being mums, we also need to
allow ourselves some me time.

Because if you're not healthy...how can your family
be healthy?

The Campaign

Find time to focus on
something for you

Pledge with On the
Doorstep to

Enjoy moments when you
can be you


Think washing, cleaning
or any other household
task is me time

Feel guilty for putting your
needs first

Don't think this makes you
a bad mum

Join On the Doorstep across our
social media to pledge your
involvement in the #allow4metime



Let's start off with just a few
hours once a month.

Maybe a massage, a nice walk,
a proper date night with your partner.

What ever you get up to
let us know using

If you run a
business and you
would like to get
involved with
please contact On
the Doorstep for
more information.


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