On the Doorstep Magazine – July-August 2019

(Tina Sui) #1
3 , Relaxed days
Summer days often means that we are more active
than usual spending more time out and about
though this can mean that baby can easily become
overstimulated. Keep things balanced and stick to
regular naps too.

4 , Consistency
A consistent bedtime with your usual rituals can
help keep your little ones circadian rhythm on
track. Lighter evenings may tempt you to keep
them up, though this can be fine for some on the
odd occasion we can risk creating sleep problems.
A cool bath followed by a calm bedtime routine can

5 , Be sun savvy
Avoiding the midday sun, using sunblock, keeping
them in the shade and ensuring they are hydrated
can help you enjoy the summer with your little

Sleep Cosy This Summer


The summer is here, yay we say as we enjoy

picnics at the beach, walks in the park and fun

times in the garden. Now I love the summer but I

am not so keen on what it can do to ours and our

little ones sleep. Here are a few tips to keep sleep

on track whilst making precious summer

memories too.

1 , Keeping cool

Babies are unable to regulate their temperature

and can become overheated far easier than older

children or adults. Be mindful of how many layers

they have on can help, hot summer nights may call

for just a vest and a nappy or a smaller tog sleeping

bag in cotton.The lullaby trust has some helpful

checklists on temperatures and keeping baby safe

in the summer.

2 , Sleep environment

Invest in a good black out blind, if there are any

gaps you can use Velcro to ensure the sun isn’t

peeping through. White noise or using a fan can

help to block out any noise or birds singing early in

the morning.

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