Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1


100 Airfi x Model World

fine layers of 71.131 Concrete on
the fuselage, just forward of the
wing roots, until the desired tonal
depth was achieved, to create
the distinctive engine backwash
marks. The same process was
used for exhaust ports around
the engine nacelles.
Although this aircraft was
kept generally in a pristine
condition, its age meant there
was deterioration in the more
heavily used areas. Subtle
weathering was therefore applied
to hinges, actuators and vents via
Tamiya weathering pigments and
AMMO-MIG’s A.MIG 3515 Ochre
Oilbrusher (www.migjiminez.
com). A nose-mounted blade
antenna was painted 71.251 NATO
Black, before the aircraft’s trailing
aerial, fashioned from EZ-Line
elasticated thread, was attached
to it with a drop of CA. It was
then stretched slightly to meet a
similar mount further along the
fuselage and finally the tail fin,
being secured at each point with
CA. The whole model was then
sealed with a matt varnish.

Unsung hero
This year was the 70th
anniversary of the English Electric
Canberra, yet this milestone
seemed to pass without notice.
The aircraft was an unsung hero

of the immediate post-war
period and is often forgotten
against the backdrop of the
more famous Lightning and the
iconic V-bombers. However, it
should be remembered that, in
its heyday, this aircraft could fly
higher and further than anything
else in the world. It was a marvel
of engineering at a time when
the aero industry in the UK was
at its best. The legacy of the
Canberra was its undisputable
longevity, with several airframes
(including WD955), in service for
more than 50 years.
Airfix’s re-release was an
excellent example of how an
approximately 20-year-old
moulding had stood the test of
time; it could do with more detail
and some areas are arguably
‘industrial’, but overall it was
a superb kit. From a building
perspective, it was forgiving
of mistakes due to the nature
of the styrene, and provided a
great foundation for a modeller
of any experience to enjoy,
regardless of whether it’s out of
the box or a complex conversion.
It’s not a small model and
consideration is needed as to
where it will go once built, but
that is a minor aside as it will be
a suitable complement for
any collection.

100 Airfi x Model World

Canberra, yet this milestone
seemed to pass without notice.
The aircraft was an unsung hero

that is a minor aside as it will be
a suitable complement for
any collection.

 AMMO-MIG’s Oilbrusher was used to add final weathering touches to the exterior, around
heavily used areas of the airframe.

 The kit decals and aftermarket decals were applied with the aid of Micro Sol, after which
the model was gloss varnished. Panel lines were then enhanced by a brown wash, with any
excess removed with a dampened cotton bud.






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