Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1
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First Order Special Forces TIE
By: Revell
Item no: 06745 Price: £39.99

Revell’s large-scale styrene TIE
fighter makes a welcome return,
being unchanged from the original
release, with parts presented on
seven styrene runners. The large
locating pins hint at this being a
snap-together product, but apart
from the black radiator/solar panels
and clear glazing, everything is
supplied in grey styrene, meaning
painting is needed to replicate a

machine from The Force Awakens,
which basically has these colours
reversed. That aside, the detail is
first class, with a complete two-place
interior, twin reactor plant housings,
wing-mounted power cell ‘collars’
and the type’s heavy armament (two
forward-firing weapons and turret
mounted heavy cannon and missile
launchers) all replicated faithfully. A
neat four-part stand is supplied, but
the lack of figures is disappointing,
especially given the extensive fore
and aft glazing panels. Note, the
painting guide is incorrect, as just
the frames should be painted dark
grey and not the ‘eyeball’ windows.

USS Enterprise NCC-1701
By: Revell
Item no: 04991 Price: £29.99

First released as a new tooling
in 2001, Revell’s original series’
Star Trek Constellation-class USS
Enterprise has recently been
re-released. It comprises four pale
grey styrene runners, separate
upper and lower saucer halves and
a busy transparent frame, which
provides parts for the main and
secondary hull windows, front and
rear nacelle domes and position

lights. Revell has thoughtfully
supplied the nacelle supports as a
robust three-piece v-shaped sub-
assembly. The vessel’s lines and
proportions appear to have been
captured faithfully (in relation to
the original series’ studio model)
as are the colours and markings,
which are overall light grey with
red trim. The superbly printed
decal sheet provides markings
for three schemes (including the
first-in-class vessel):

  • NCC-1017, USS Constellation

  • NCC-1657, USS Potemkin

  • NCC-1701, USS Enterprise

X-Wing Starfighter
By: Bandai Item no: 01200
Price: £29.99 Web:

Anyone looking for a 1/72 X-Wing
fighter need look no further than
Bandai’s exquisite offering, which
caters for all skill levels as it’s
basically a snap-together kit and
is to the same scale as that firm’s
Y-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing, TIE Fighter/
Interceptor and TIE Advanced X-1.
Those desiring accuracy and detail
are in for a treat as it’s arguably
the best in the scale, and the studio
model’s various ‘greeblies’ are

readily identifiable. It’s moulded
in several colours of styrene and
this, combined with the choice of
waterslide or self-adhesive markings
(for Luke Skywalker’s ‘Red Five’),
means it can be assembled without
the need for paint. Further choices
include open/closed wings and
raised/lowered undercarriage.
Similar attention is paid to the stand,
which includes two Death Star ‘tiles’;
one is the thermal exhaust port
and, when combined with the model
and transparent ‘proton torpedoes’,
means Star Wars’ climactic battle
scene can be replicated.


Apollo 11 Lunar Module Eagle
By: Revell
Item no: 03701 Price: £49.99

Dragon’s quarter-scale Lunar
Module (LM) makes a return in
Revell’s Model Set packaging for
the 50th anniversary of the Apollo
Moon landings, with four pots of
acrylic paint, a brush and Contacta
Professional Mini dispenser.
While this is arguably the most
accurate kit of the type to date,
modellers wanting an exact replica
will need to check references as
the communications antenna,
thruster supports and hatch

appear different from published
photos. It comes on eight styrene
runners with a separate descent-
stage lower hull and all parts are
moulded crisply, with excellent
recessed panel lines where
appropriate. Despite the high-
quality exterior, there is no interior
detail, and the four small windows
are supplied in decal form. The
reflective foil covering on the
descent stage hull and landing legs
is replicated via integrally moulded
surface relief, although this is
missing from the ascent stage
hatch, manoeuvring thrusters
(which benefit from hollow
nozzles) and antenna mount.



1/72 1 /4 8


1/600 1/35
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