Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1


42 Airfi x Model World


uch has been
written about
the Hawker
Hurricane, which
was a stalwart of the Battle of
Britain, albeit overshadowed by

its more glamorous stablemate,
the Supermarine Spitfire.
Many of its pilots preferred it
over the Supermarine machine
despite it not being as fast or
easy to handle, but it could
turn tighter, which was vital in
the desperate dogfights over

southeast England in the summer
of 1940. Its design made it a more
stable gun platform and it had
more concentrated firepower
as the eight machine guns were
grouped together, rather than
spread along the wing and it could
absorb more punishment due
to its robust construction. Most
importantly to the RAF and the


Hurricane Mk.I Expert Set
By: Arma Hobby
Stock Code: 70019
Scale: 1/72
Price: £16.99
Available from:

Arma Hobby’s newly

tooled Hurricanes

are examined in

this double build by

Jamie Haggo


uch has been
written about
the Hawker
Hurricane, which
was a stalwart of the Battle of
Britain, albeit overshadowed by

its more glamorous stablemate,
the Supermarine Spitfire.
Many of its pilots preferred it
over the Supermarine machine
despite it not being as fast or
easy to handle, but it could
turn tighter, which was vital in
the desperate dogfights over

southeast England in the summer
of 1940. Its design made it a more
stable gun platform and it had
more concentrated firepower
as the eight machine guns were
grouped together, rather than
spread along the wing and it could
absorb more punishment due
to its robust construction. Most
importantly to the RAF and the


Hurricane Mk.I Expert Set
By: Arma Hobby
Stock Code: 70019
Scale: 1/72
Price: £16.99
Available from:

Arma Hobby’s newly

tooled Hurricanes

are examined in

this double build by

Jamie Haggo

 Unusually for an aircraft, the first task was to assemble the main undercarriage bays,
which featured excellent detail for the scale.

 Moulded detail in the fuselage was sufficient to satisfy most modeller’s tastes, but to be
fair, Hurricane sidewalls weren’t the most detailed anyway.
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