Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1


44 Airfi x Model World

Mr. Paint’s MRP-111 Interior Grey
Green ( was
sprayed onto the upper fuselage
halves and rear bulkhead, after
which ALC-102 Duraluminium was
applied to most of the remaining
parts. Details were accentuated
with various AMMO-MIG acrylic
colours (,
before everything was sealed
with a thin coat of Mr. Color
GX-100 Super Clear Gloss (www. Once this
had dried fully, features were
enlivened via a pin wash of A.MIG-
1602 PLW Deep Grey; any excess
was removed with a clean brush
and A.MIG-2018 Odourless Thinner.
Lastly, the finish was muted with
Winsor & Newton’s Galeria Matt
Varnish (

There was plenty on
offer from the small fret,
although ultimately the
instrument panel wasn’t
used, being replaced by
a pre-painted/assembled
item from Yahu Models.

 New sidewalls and instrument panels
dominated the PE fret, which also
included a seat harness, engine controls
and rudder pedals.

 First, moulded detail was removed by
scraping and sanding, after which the PE
parts were added, taking care to keep any
Superglue from the surrounding locating

 The undercarriage bay also benefited
from PE enhancements, although in this
case it’s up to the builder whether it’s
worth adding to an area that will be
almost hidden on the completed model.


The major difference between the ‘Junior’
and Expert’ kits was the provision of a PE
fret, which dedicated almost exclusively
with improving the cockpit, a feature
some modellers will appreciate. By
offering both standards of Hurricane,
Arma Hobby has left it to the modeller
to decide if the additional outlay of a few
pounds was worth the extra refinement.

Mr. Paint’s MRP-111 Interior Grey
Green ( was
sprayed onto the upper fuselage
halves and rear bulkhead, after
which ALC-102 Duraluminium was



 Despite the small scale, the cockpit was surprisingly busy;
here all sub-assemblies have been readied for painting.

 The pilot’s strap decal was applied to
lead foil for a better appearance, although
under a closed canopy it would be more than
adequate if added directly onto the seat.

 Having painted
and weathered the
undercarriage bay, the
wings were ready to
be glued together; the
one-piece underside
ensured the correct
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