Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1
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ver the years several
aviation museums up and
down the country have
opened their doors to the
modelling fraternity and staged
excellent model shows.
One of the most recent to do this
is the Tangmere Military Aviation
Museum, which is situated on the

site of the former RAF airfield in
West Sussex. The area boasts a
very active modelling group, the
Tangmere Sector Modellers IPMS,
which helps to organise the event
in conjunction with the venue.
Taking place on May 4, this year’s
show was its biggest yet. Model
clubs and traders were arranged

among the superb array of exhibits,
which include several original and
replica aircraft, plus many artefacts
and themed displays.
The organisers successfully
made use of every available
exhibition hall on the site, with
some side rooms as well the main
display areas hosting club stands

and traders. A separate building
housed the show’s extensive and
well-subscribed competition. The
day was blessed with excellent
weather, which guaranteed large
visitor numbers. The outstanding
success of the show has already
encouraged planning to begin
for next year’s event, which is
promised to be even bigger.
Further details of the museum and
its activities can be found at http://www.
Malcolm V Lowe

Terrifi c Tangmere

 Big and impressive, this 1/32 Vought OS2U-1 Kingfisher from the Kitty Hawk kit in USS
Arizona colours made a bold statement on the Southdowns Model Group’s busy display.

 Featured in the Tangmere show’s well-populated competition was this 1/48 Sopwith 5F.1
Dolphin, which was made with the Copper State Models kit as its basis.

 Using the PST 1/72 kit, Paul Capon of IPMS Salisbury modelled this KV-220/85 (T-220)
experimental heavy tank, which joined his extensive selection of Soviet armour models.

 Definitely not sci-fi, this beautifully-finished model of the Tokyo tourist water bus
Himiko graced IPMS Farnborough’s stand, built from Fujimi’s 1/150 kit by Andrew Prentis.

 Airfix’s 1/72 Fokker Eindecker builds into a neat and striking replica, as proven by this
example, labelled as a Fokker E.II, in Tangmere’s large competition. (All Malcolm V Lowe)

 Definitely eye-catching in its overall blue colour scheme, Hasegawa’s 1/48 Phantom was
finished as a 92 Squadron FGR.2 airframe, with many after-market and scratch-built extras.
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