Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1



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for two natural-metal aircraft of
the 433rd Fighter Squadron (FS),
475th Fighter Group (FG), #194
‘Virginia Marie’ and #170. A third
scheme depicted an Olive Drab/
Neutral Gray machine, from the
383rd FS, 364th FG.

Diving in
Kagero’s P-38 Lightning at War
book and decals (see panel)
provided inspiration for the build
subject, an RAF King’s Cliffe-based
airframe and, accompanied by a
cornucopia of aftermarket parts,
construction began in earnest. As

per international treaty, assembly
began with the cockpit. Although
adequate straight from the box
it was upgraded courtesy of
Medallion Models’ resin interior
(MM-41), which was a direct
replacement for the styrene
components and fitted snugly
without the need for trimming. All
main components were sprayed
with Model Master’s 1715 Interior
Green FS 34151 enamel. Next, the
control yoke and various boxes
received 2040 Interior Black FS
37031, while raised detail was
highlighted with appropriate

colours. Eduard’s photo-etched
(PE) interior set (FE 208) provided
a pre-printed instrument panel,
plus additional cockpit features,
while Ultracast’s resin seat (48223)
replaced the kit item. After
completion, it was decided to join
the lower fuselage pod (Part B1)
to the upper wing (Part A1), as
this made sanding of the former’s
seams easier. Note, holes must be
drilled at this stage if wing pylons
are required.
Approximately 14 grams of
weight was then added to the
nose, to keep the model firmly

http://www.airfi 79

Diving in
Kagero’s P-38 Lightning at War
book and decals (see panel)
provided inspiration for the build
subject, an RAF King’s Cliffe-based
airframe and, accompanied by a
cornucopia of aftermarket parts,
construction began in earnest. As

without the need for trimming. All
main components were sprayed
with Model Master’s 1715 Interior
Green FS 34151 enamel. Next, the
control yoke and various boxes
received 2040 Interior Black FS
37031, while raised detail was
highlighted with appropriate

to the upper wing (Part A1), as
this made sanding of the former’s
seams easier. Note, holes must be
drilled at this stage if wing pylons
are required.
Approximately 14 grams of
weight was then added to the
nose, to keep the model firmly


‘The Seven Aces of WWII’
Lockheed P-38J Lightning
By: Hasegawa
Stock Code: 52124
Scale: 1 /48
Price: £249.99
Available from: Amerang,


‘The Seven Aces of WWII’
Lockheed P-38J Lightning
Stock Code:

Medallion Models’ replacement resin cockpit featured excellent detail, with a correct
gun sight for late-model Lightnings.

After painting the upgraded cockpit,
Eduard PE accessories and Airscale
instrument dials and placards were
added for a more realistic appearance.

 Despite careful assembly, it was apparent immediately that the undercarriage bay parts
were a poor fit.

“ say it was

unbuildable was false”

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