Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1


80 Airfi x Model World

 The main wheel well bays needed further sanding on the top and sides to fit into the
tail booms.

 An optimal fit of the tail booms to the wings was only possible after much scraping;
patience was the watchword, with repeated test-fitting until the desired effect was achieved.

80 Airfi x Model World

planted on its tricycle landing
gear. Next, Hasegawa’s integrally
moulded gunsight was removed
as Medallion Models provided a
superior resin replacement, which
was mounted directly onto the
armoured glass windscreen – a
common fitting on late-model
Lightnings. Lastly, water and
white glue-dampened tissue
paper was attached to the
coaming to simulate the type’s
canvas covering.

There’s the problem
Many of the kit’s alignment
issues come from the assembly
of the twin booms, as without
care and correction during the

initial steps, any mistake will
be compounded subsequently.
Similarly, construction of the main
landing gear bays was hampered
by Hasegawa adding rivet detail
to the sidewalls, just where
they would join with the main
undercarriage bay parts. This must
be removed to provide a smooth
mating surface and enable them
to fit within the tail booms.
Similarly, the main landing gear
units were complex and fiddly to
build, each comprising
five components.
Once satisfied with
the construction, the
sub-assemblies were
painted with 1725

Neutral Gray FS 36270. After
curing, they received AMMO-
MIG’s A.MIG-1008 Dark Wash, to
accentuate the detail.
Small pieces of curved plastic
card were added to the inside
of the booms at the radiator
openings to prevent them being
‘see-through’ when the halves

were joined. Despite all earlier
efforts, the undercarriage bays
were still too wide at the rear,
which prevented a flush mounting
inside the tail booms, but several
swipes with a flat file rectified
this. Again, identifying these small
problems along the way prevented
larger issues later.

 With tricycle-type undercarriage and long tail booms, 14g (½oz) of lead nose weight was
added to prevent the model from becoming a ‘tail-sitter’.

 As engineered, the model would have had a notable ‘see-through’ issue with the
radiators, so sheet styrene was cut to size and attached to the inside of each housing.

“much work

with filler

and abrasive

paper was

needed to

smooth the


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