Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1



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paint was chipped by scratching
the surface lightly with a wooden
toothpick. The blades were then
weathered with the combination
of a silver Prismacolor pencils and
A.MIG-1208 Rainmarks Effects
wash. Lastly, a spattering of A.MIG-
1601 Medium Grey Panel Line
Wash, flicked with an old brush,
completed the look.
Basic colour coats for the main
airframe were Vallejo’s 71.016 Olive

Drab and 71.051 Neutral Grey,
which were airbrushed freehand.
Once dry, three applications of
X-22 Clear Gloss prepared the
surface for decals.

Bright markings
Reference photos of ‘California
Cutie’ showed a minimum of
stencils, which
made decaling

an easy process. Kagero provided
just aircraft-specific markings, so
items such as national insignia
had to be sourced from either the
kit sheet or the spares box. The
Cartograf-printed decals went
on flawlessly and needed just a
touch of Micro-Sol to settle into
surface detail.
Two additional applications of
X-22 Clear Gloss sealed everything
and provided a smooth surface for

A.MIG-1602 Panel Line Wash Deep
Grey to be flowed into recessed
panel lines. After drying, any
excess was removed with a paper
towel, in the direction of airflow.
Decanted from the aerosol can,
TS-81 Flat Lacquer varnish was
then airbrushed in light coats
to harmonise the finish. Post-
shading effects were accomplished
via heavily diluted XF-69 NATO
Black, which was sprayed onto

A.MIG-1208 Rainmarks Effects
wash. Lastly, a spattering of A.MIG-
1601 Medium Grey Panel Line
Wash, flicked with an old brush,
completed the look.
Basic colour coats for the main
airframe were Vallejo’s 71.016 Olive

Bright markings
Reference photos of ‘California
Cutie’ showed a minimum of
stencils, which
made decaling

Cartograf-printed decals went
on flawlessly and needed just a
touch of Micro-Sol to settle into
surface detail.
Two additional applications of
X-22 Clear Gloss sealed everything
and provided a smooth surface for

Decanted from the aerosol can,
TS-81 Flat Lacquer varnish was
then airbrushed in light coats
to harmonise the finish. Post-
shading effects were accomplished
via heavily diluted XF-69 NATO
Black, which was sprayed onto

Seam work was completed
with Mr. Dissolved Putty,
with any excess removed
with an isopropyl alcohol-
moistened cotton bud
after the filler had dried.

For added interest, dents were
created on the fuel tanks via a
ball-spur bit; these indentations
were then sanded to smooth
edges, which produced a
convincing appearance.

 Painter’s low-tack tape was cut into ½in-wide (12.7mm) strips and applied as masking for
the D-Day identification markings.

 Kagero’s decals didn’t provide for the unit triangle on the tail. A mask was cut using a
photocopy of the accompanying book’s colour profile.
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