Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1

84 Airfi x Model World

selected panel
lines and along
control surfaces. A
misted coat of XF-57
Buff was then applied
to mute the brightness
of the white portions of the
markings. Lastly, paint chipping
was replicated with a combination
of a silver Prismacolor and an HB
graphite pencil.

Gear issues
Despite numerous efforts, the
main landing gear doors wouldn’t
fit initially, although it wasn’t
apparent as to whether this was a

kit or self-inflicted issue. The door
mounting tabs were removed
and the parts attached directly to
the booms as a solution. Master
Model’s late-style gun barrels
(48023) replaced the styrene
items, and these were coated
with metal primer, followed by
sprayed XF-69 NATO Black.
Powdered graphite was applied
liberally to the barrels and
rubbed with a cotton bud, to
create a metallic tone.
While the styrene wheels
were adequate, they
were replaced with
Ultracast’s resin
‘diamond’ tread
items (48218); the
hubs were then
painted 4677 Flat Aluminum
and the tyres XF-69 NATO
Black. Protected by a coat of
gloss varnish, the detail was
accentuated via A.MIG-1008
Dark Wash. As photo references
indicated European Theatre
P-38s weren’t fitted with tail-
mounted trailing antennas these
parts were omitted.

selected panel
lines and along
control surfaces. A
misted coat of XF-57
Buff was then applied
to mute the brightness
of the white portions of the
markings. Lastly, paint chipping
was replicated with a combination

kit or self-inflicted issue. The door
mounting tabs were removed
and the parts attached directly to
the booms as a solution. Master
Model’s late-style gun barrels
(48023) replaced the styrene
items, and these were coated
with metal primer, followed by
sprayed XF-69 NATO Black.
Powdered graphite was applied
liberally to the barrels and
rubbed with a cotton bud, to
create a metallic tone.
While the styrene wheels
were adequate, they
were replaced with
Ultracast’s resin
‘diamond’ tread
items (48218); the
hubs were then
painted 4677 Flat Aluminum
and the tyres XF-69 NATO

Light scratching of the propeller tip
paint while the yellow colour was still
soft added realistic chipping effects.

 Before applying gloss varnish, the
entire model received a light buffing
with coffee filter paper, followed by
being wiped with tack cloth.

 AMMO-MIG’s Panel Line
Wash Deep Grey was applied
to all panel lines, which
highlighted the engraved detail.

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