The Daily Telegraph - 20.08.2019

(John Hannent) #1

Life on Mars?

UK’s ‘Rosalind’

will dig deep to

find the answer

By Sarah Knapton Science editor

THE possibility of life on Mars may
finally be answered in 2021 when a
British-built rover starts drilling deep
into the Red Planet’s surface looking
for signs of alien habitation.
Engineers at Airbus in Hertfordshire
are this week installing a suite of cam-
eras on the European Space Agency’s
ExoMars exploration vehicle before it
leaves for testing in France.
If all goes to plan, the “pan-cam” sys-
tem, designed by engineers at Univer-
sity College London, will be launched
from Kazakhstan nest year and will
land on Mars on March 19 2021.


After 10 days of checks it will begin
scanning the surface of the planet, look-
ing for minerals and liquids that could
have hosted extraterrestrial organisms.
Once a potential hot spot is discov-
ered, the rover named “Rosalind
Franklin” after the first person to pho-
tograph DNA, will trundle to the area at
a speed of about 47in per hour, before
drilling more than 6ft into the ground
to take samples.
The Martian rocks will be fed
through an aperture on the rover into a
mobile laboratory where they will be
crushed up and examined for organic
matter. Confirmation of life could come
within weeks of the rover landing on
its £1.4 billion mission.
“One of the unique features of the
ExoMars rover is the capability to drill
down further than any other rover so
far,” said Sue Horne, head of space ex-
ploration at the UK Space Agency.
“Mars is really inhospitable, and all

the rovers so far have been scraping
around on the surface and they haven’t
found anything yet.
“Analysis of radiation damage has
shown that you have to get one metre
below the surface to get to regions that
haven’t been affected. Pan-cam is criti-
cal for the science. The minerals show
us where life might have once been.”
Hopes were raised in the search for
life on Mars in 2013 when Nasa’s Curi-
osity rover recorded methane “burps”

  • a waste product of organisms on
    Earth. Scientists now think the gas
    probably came from geological activity,
    and believe there is little chance of

finding living organisms on the planet.
The team assembling the rover have
to adhere to strict hygiene rules set out
by Cospar, the UN’s Committee on
Space Research, which states they can-
not transport more than 9,800 bacte-
rial or viral spores to the surface. Not
only could it pollute the planet, but it

would also skew the science.
If they were to leave just one finger-
print on the rover before launch it
would need to be surgically cleaned all
over again which is why engineers
must wear hairnets, hoods, two pairs of
sterile gloves, overalls and a face mask.
They even wear goggles to prevent
eyelashes straying in to the machinery,
and one person – dubbed the “clean
buddy” – must watch colleagues to en-
sure they do not touch their faces and
contaminate the equipment.
Anna Nash, of UCL, who is responsi-
ble for “planetary protection” for the
project said: “Everything goes through


The cost of the European Space
Agency’s ExoMars mission


An engineer in
heavily protective
clothing, right, at
the Airbus defence
and space facility in
Stevenage, Herts.
The vehicle, left,
named Rosalind
Franklin, can travel
at a speed of 47in
per hour

British-built space

exploration vehicle with

drilling capability could

solve mystery of alien life

a seven-step solvent clean. We use ster-
ile swabs to swab everything down. We
then send off the equipment to a sepa-
rate lab and incubate for three days to
see if there is any bacterial growth. If
you have a situation where a tool is
dropped on the floor, that has to be sent
for cleaning which can take a week.”
Later this month the rover will be
shipped to Airbus in Toulouse for a se-
ries of mechanical vibration and ther-
mal tests to ensure it can survive the
bumpy launch conditions as well as the
frozen nights on Mars, where tempera-
tures dip to -150C (-238F) before rising
to 20C (68F), in the day.

Alcoholics could benefit from doses of ecstasy to conquer their addiction, study finds

By Laura Donnelly HealtH editor

THE drug MDMA, better known as the
party drug ecstasy, could be success-
fully used to treat alcohol addiction,
research suggests.
Early findings from the trial – the

first study to use the drug for such pur-
poses – indicates that it could prove
better than standard treatments.
Psychiatrists are testing a pro-
gramme which combines a few doses
of MDMA in conjunction with psycho-
therapy, After nine months, around

half of those in the small study re-
mained “completely dry” with just one
suffering a full relapse. The results also
found the drug was safe to use as part
of therapy, with no physical or psycho-
logical problems identified.
Dr Ben Sessa, an addiction psychia-

trist and senior research fellow at Im-
perial College London, who led the
trial, said: “With the very best that
medical science can work with, 80 per
cent of people are drinking within
three years post alcohol detox.”
Eleven people have so far completed

the safety and tolerability study, which
involves nine months of follow-ups.
“We’ve got one person who has com-
pletely relapsed back to previous drink-
ing levels, we have five people who are
completely dry and we have five who
have had one or two drinks but wouldn’t

reach the diagnosis of alcohol use disor-
der,” he told The Guardian.
The first stage of the new study was
only designed to show the therapy is
safe. Further trials will compare results
with a randomised control group who
receive a placebo instead of MDMA.

The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 20 August 2019 *** 9


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