Bonsai Focus (English Edition) – July-August 2019

(Elle) #1

A more natural style without a
triangle and foliage pads

March 2009. All the main branches and trunks were

March 2009. The root ball was huge, so the tree was
planted into a wooden box in a substrate mixture of
80% baked loam and 20% white peat

October 2009. The first growing season after
collecting went well. The tree had many new
shoots and branches

March 2009. The area where the tree was
growing was made of limestone rock. The
entire root ball was growing over the slab so
when the surface roots were cut, the tree was
free. That was lucky because on terrain like
this, the average collecting takes a few hours'
work and the use of some special tools


Can be wired during dormant period,
use aluminium and apply
loosely in order to avoid
it biting into the rapidly
thickening young branches.

During winter keep moist,
but in the growing season don't let
it dry out. Use rain water, not chalky
tap water.

In normal cases, every two to three
years. Pot older trees up to every
four years. For a better root
development use a good
draining soil mix with
smaller particles.

First allow new shoots to grow to
five or six leaves. Once leaves have
hardened off you can prune back the
strong areas, like the top and tips
of branches. Prune to two
leaves. Don't prune weaker

Protect pot and branches
when heavy frosts occur.
Likes full sun, but put in semi shade
during hot summer periods. New
sprouting foliage can suffer sun and
wind burn.

Carpinus - HUSBANDRY

With cuttings, or air layer.

Bonsai Focus 13

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