Bonsai Focus (English Edition) – July-August 2019

(Elle) #1



A very unusual Zelkova styled, not as the

typical broom style, but as an informal

upright. We also show a more traditional

broom-style Zelkova. We will look at work

that can be done in the spring. The period

work can start is early April, but this work

can continue into early summer. There is

no need to rush and make a mess of the

job, it is better to enjoy it.

Japanese elm is ideal for bonsai and easy to grow

Text and photography: Kinbon, Japan. Illustrations: Bonsai Focus Studio
Being a rapid and very vigorous grower makes it possible to have quick results with Zelkova. The downside is that
the elm can overgrow very quickly and so it needs regular pruning and re-styling to stay in shape. Here we show you
some examples of how to give your elm a boost

This tree was scheduled to be repotted this year.
Water is not penetrating into the root ball and it is
growing out of the pot

Looking at the pot's surface, you can see the roots
swelling up, as the pot is full of roots. Once the leaves
have hardened, it is possible to defoliate and repot
at the same time. Here we will look at emergency
measures to prevent damage before it occurs

The soil surface is scraped away and the roots cut.
If fresh soil is placed on the surface, it will help with
water penetration in the short term

Front before work begins.
Height: 55 cm Width: 68 cm


Too late to repot? What we can do

16 Bonsai Focus

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