Bonsai Focus (English Edition) – July-August 2019

(Elle) #1
Farrand Bloch
Chief editor

Who we are

Bonsai Europe Publications
Houtrustweg 96,
2566 GJ The Hague
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)85 90 20 900
Office hours: 9am - 5pm (CET)

Tel.:(+1) 703-738-
Office hours: 9am - 5pm (East Coast)

[email protected]

Chief Editor:
Farrand Bloch
[email protected]

Editorial staff:
English edition: Ann Scutcher
French edition: Patrick Bosc, Mat-
thieu Mavridis
German edition: Jörg Derlien
Dutch edition: Hein-Dik Barentsen
Italian edition: Erika Lakin
Spanish edition: Ana Ricart

Advertising & Marketing:
René Rooswinkel
[email protected]

Subscriptions & Administration:
Marja Heijmink
[email protected]

Issn UK: 1874 - 6853
Issn US: 1876 - 6137

Price: € 13.

© Copyright 2019
Bonsai Europe, world rights reserved. No
part of this publication may be repro-
duced in any form without the written
permission of the publisher.

Bonsai Focus has a co-operation with
Kinbon magazine, Kyoto, Japan

Peter Warren


Not impossible
Give Ryan Neil impossible material and
he is able to create something stunning.
This is exactly our aim every time we
have him over to our studio, because you
then get to see Ryan at his best. We are so
excited that once again he came to do a
demo for us. This time we confronted him
with a chunky yew with a reversing trunk,
hoping that this would challenge him.

I can remember the first time, in January
2011, we presented Ryan with a Japanese
white pine of Jean Paul Polmans. I was
a bit worried after Ryan explained what
he was going to do with this tree. He was
really going to push the limits to get the
most out of the material. It resulted in a
stunning bonsai. It not only survived the
dramatic change but, after being repotted
later that spring, it thrived and is now one
of the best cascade pines.

In the following years Ryan created even
more stunning creations for us, like the
work he did on the sabina juniper (BF
3-2013). Always very dedicated and totally
focussed on the tree, something I really
admire in him is his total commitment to
the material, his ability to think outside
of the box, without it making it look too
contrived, or artificial.
Back to the yew, sponsored by Bonsai
Plaza, it was exactly the right material to
spark Ryan's creative genius.

More creativity comes from Marija Hajdic
with her huge hornbeam she called ‘The
Emperor’. It received lots of compliments
— even a nomination — at the last Trophy
in Belgium. Harry Harrington guides you
through the growing season with his
straightforward fertilising approach. And
lots on how to prune, pinch and grow a
variety of deciduous trees.
Another yew featured in this issue is our
cover bonsai, created by Kevin Willson
nine years ago. We take a small look back
in time.
Enjoy the read

Bonsai Focus 5

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