If your perception of Philip Morris International is strictly as a
cigarette company, this might surprise you. We are staking our
company’s entire future on a line of smoke-free products that are
a better choice than cigarettes for the millions of men and women
who currently smoke.
We strongly believe we can be a planet free of cigarette smoke.
We refer to this new era as the Smoke-Free Future. In 1997, some
of our company’s fiercest critics challenged us to produce less
harmful products.
We listened. And accepted the challenge.
It’s taken hundreds of scientists, thousands of tests, and billions of
dollars to invent products without cigarette smoke. Why? Because
9 out of 10 adult smokers continue smoking each year. These new
smoke-free products don’t burn tobacco, and adult smokers can
switch to them completely and not return to cigarettes.
Smoke-free products contain nicotine and are not risk free.
But the science supports their potential to be a better choice than
continued smoking. We share our science and data openly with the
scientific and medical communities, as well as with governments
throughout the world.
It’s best to quit. But adults who don’t quit deserve access to these
alternative products. They also deserve current information in
order to make their own choices.
By encouraging the men and women who don’t quit to completely
adopt smoke-free alternatives, we can eventually leave cigarettes
behind. That’s the Smoke-Free Future.
It’s time to UNSMOKE.
It’s taken us twenty years,
but a smoke-free future
looks like it’s becoming a
smoke-free reality.
#ItsTime to Unsmoke
Help support one billion adult smokers worldwide quit. Or if they don’t,
choose better alternatives. Visit