Discovering everyone’s next favorite splurge is
“part head, part heart,” says Hands.
On typecasting: “Subconsciously, women find a
head-to-toe look—the person who buys Chloé
clothes also buys Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray. And
we call the woman who buys tools and devices
the ‘At-Home Derm’—the Dr. Dennis Gross
SpectraLite LED mask is a favorite of hers. She’s
different than the woman who’s buying satin
pajamas, a face scrub, and a crystal roller to use
over sheet masks—we call her ‘Me Time.’”
The next big things: “Masks for different parts of
the body are coming. And devices are getting
better—at-home cupping kits, cryotherapy, face-
firming tools.”
The runaway success: “Charlotte Tilbury Pillow
Talk is becoming its own brand within her range
[there’s a lip liner, lipstick, eye shadow palette, and
blush], like Orgasm for Nars. People want to buy it.”
A case for keeping it simple: “Luxury can be quiet
and understated, like a rose quartz face roller.
Vintner’s Daughter had one product—face oil
made by people who didn’t do beauty—and we
just knew it was going to be special. It’s become
this huge cult hit.”
The new black: “Face creams are coming back.”
Below, from left: Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette in Pillow
Talk (also shown in the compact), Slip Silk Sleepmask,
and Dr. Nigma Talib Beauty in a Bottle supplements (an early
find of Hands’s).
Jody Pinson,
As beauty buyer for this megastore,
Pinson says she’s on the hunt “for life’s
little luxuries at the best prices.”
And right now that means: “Bath
bombs. Everyone should just take a
bath and relax. Hallu Magical Bath
Bomb is one of our most popular.”
Her newest finds: “Sky Organics is a
wonderful skin-care brand made with
natural and organic ingredients, and
Evolution 18 is [makeup artist] Bobbi
Brown’s line of supplements.”
On trend scouting: “I scour the globe
for niche products. Three years ago,
one item kept coming up in my travels
to Japan and Korea, and then I saw it
again at Cosmoprof [beauty expo] in
Italy: sheet masks. They were small
and could be sold at a great price
point, so my team and I drew out on a
napkin how we could blow them out
in our stores.”
The surprise hit: “Real Techniques’
Miracle Complexion Sponge. When
contouring was just taking off, in
2016, it started outselling everything
else in the makeup aisle, and it’s still
one of our top [makeup] applicators.”
Top, from left: Sky Organics Organic Rosewater
Facial Mist Hydrating Toner, Real Techniques
Miracle Complexion Sponge, and Evolution 18
Beauty Glow Capsules.
The Luxury Arbiter