Metro Australia – July 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

arguedaccountofthis 1980 documentarybyDigby
DuncanandtheOnein SevenCollectiveservesasa
reminderof how intricatelyinterwovenfilm and politics
canbe.AsO’Brienwrites,citingtheworkof researcher
SamanthaSearle,‘[I]n order to adequatelyassessqueer
cinemaculture,it cannotbeextractedfromitspolitical
framework’– andheressayengagescloselywiththisthe­
sis as she bringsto life this significantfilm of forty years
ago. She sees the film as a turningpoint in cinema’sdeal­
ings with what was then a highlycontentious matter.

Brian McFarlane, Series Editor

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