Rochelle Siemienowicz
After nine years,one of Australia’slongestrunningfilm podcasts,
HellIs forHyphenates, hascalledit quits.Themonthlyhour-long
show was the brainchildof two obsessiveMelbournefilm buffs
and friends,comedywriter Lee Zachariahand filmmakerPaul
AnthonyNelson.TheheartofHyphenates, whichstartedback in
2010 when podcastswere still a rarity, was its ‘Filmmakerof the
Month’segment,in whicha prominentguestwouldenthuseabout
their favouritefilm director,coveringtheir entire filmography:Italian
filmmakerLuca Guadagninoon MauricePialat,Australianauthor
ChristosTsiolkason Pier Paolo Pasolini,AustralianfilmmakerSophie
HydeonJaneCampion,andsoon.In laboriouspreparationforthe
rewatchas many of the director’sfilms as possible.I know this for
a factbecauseI hostedHyphenatesalongsideZachariahduringthe
show’sfinal two years.It often felt like crammingfor a stressfulexam.
The huge amountof work involved– all done purelyfor love – is
personalrelief.ButZachariahhimselffeelsthatpodcastingasa form
concepts,’he tells me. ‘I do feel likeHyphenatesgot taken over. It’s
almostlike makingsilent films after soundhas come in, afterThe
JazzSinger[Alan Crosland,1927],or still making [Charlie] Chaplin
shortswhile MGM is makingmusicals.’
does for many a film podcast–OneHeatMinuteorTheSensesof
CinemaPodcast, forinstance):theideathata directoris theauthor
of a film, and that certainpreoccupationsor themescan be traced
acrosstheir body of work. And so our show’sgrand finale – released
in late April – was a mammoththreeandahalfhour editiondevoted
to MartinScorsese.Aroundfifty previousguestscontributedprere-
cordedsegmentstalkingabout their favouritefilms or momentsfrom
Scorsese’sfiftyyear career:OzploitationlegendBrian Trenchard
Smith on the director’sentire oeuvre,filmmakerKriv Stenderson the
onEverything’s ChrisTayloronthefamousgarlic-slicingscene in
Whichbringsus to the fact that fandomdrivesthe majorityof film
andtelevisionpodcasts,bothinternationallyandin Australia.Thisis
both the strengthand weaknessof the medium.Like bloggingbefore
it, podcastingis democratic;anyonecanhavea voicetoobsessin
as much detail as they like about anything,fromSeinfeldtoSergei
EisensteintoMarriedatFirstSight. Thenatureoftheform,divorced
from the strictures,deadlinesand gatekeepingof traditional screen
criticism,allowsforcompleteindulgencein fandom.
At its best, this meansthat deep thinkersand great communica-
with its ties to what’son at the moviesthat week or to what’son TV.
Strangeand beautifulthingscan flourishwhen obsessionis given such
meansthat any criticismofferedis likely to take the form of disappoin
Therecentexplosionofpodcastsin allareasofentertainment,
fromsporttoself-developmenttotruecrime,is evidencedbythe
fact that, as of 2019, there have been three editions of the Australian
PodcastAwards,heldin SydneyeveryMay.Accordingto itswebsite,
339 self-nominatedpodcastsparticipatedin thisyear’s‘Popular
Vote’category,accumulatinga totalof20,000votes.Therewere
also twentyfour other categoriesjudgedby expertsin each area.
I find it surprisingto note that, in the ‘TV, Film & Pop Culture’
category,not a single one of the six finalistsdabbled,in any way, in
traditionalfilm or TV reviewsor analysis.Nor was there anythinglike
productsthatwesawin thebrilliant,butnowdefunct,podcastThe
Rereaders, hostedby critics Mel Campbelland Dion Kagan.Instead,
these finalistswere bright,chattyshowslikeMamamiaOutLoud,
Chat 10 Looks 3 andShameless– a ‘pop-culturepodcastforsmart
womenwholovedumbstuff’.Interestingly,it wasin thecategory
of ‘Best Fancast’that cinephiliafinally emerged.Drivenby fandom
again,theseshows– includingOneHeatMinute(in whichfilm critic
Blake Howarddevotesan episodeto every minuteof MichaelMann’s
170 minute1995 heist filmHeat),EyesonGilead:AHandmaid’sTale
andClubSoderbergh(a show devotedto the films of ... you guess
who)– embodytheadoringandniche concerns of most screen pod-
Evenasa formerpodcastermyself,I remainmostweddedtothe
writtenwordwhenit comestoconsideringandanalysingscreencul-
ture– evenif it’sjustforfun.Yes,there’sa vitalitythatcanarisewhen
multiplevoicesbounceoff one another,sparkingnew ideas and con-
nections.But there’salso a tendencyto talk too much about too little.
For this column,I’ve taken the opportunityto ask the ultimate
cinephile,worldrenownedfilm critic AdrianMartin,whetherhe liked
and listenedto film podcasts. ‘I listen to almost none, on a regular
basis,’ he replies.
Onethingthatdoesturnmeoffveryswiftlyis whatI thinkofasa
compulsionforeveryoneinvolved– especiallywhenthey’rehaving
groupchats– tofall(almostwithoutthinking)intoa kindof‘radio
patter’,witha lotofforcedjokes;short,sharpretorts;andattempts
atsnappyscrewballrhythmsofoverlapping speech ... like a bunch
of bad stand-up comedians.
Yet Martinwon’t write off the form completely:‘I like them when they
unique.I’m still lookingfor the perfectexample that fits my idea of this!’
Personally, I’m all ears for that too.
Above:Martin Scorsese on the setofGoodfellas | © ATOM | Metro Magazine 201• 127