Metro Australia – July 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

to a cinemaof freedomas is conceivable.Yet, amid so much
possibility,he fails to make anythingof artisticmerit, and
allowshis obsessionto all but destroyhis life in the process.
Finally,havinglost everything else he cares about, he turns
the cameraon himself.
This film sharesa strikinglysimilarendingtoTaxi: in the
former,David’sapartmentis burglarised,and all his equip-
ment is stolen;in the latter, Panahi’scab is smashedand
looted,with the thief makingoff with the dash cam. Both
films end in darkness,each filmmaker-characterhavinglost
the capacityto createimages.3 Faces, too, ends with a car
being damaged– courtesyof Marziyeh’sbrother– but, this
time, the front windscreenis only cracked, and otherwise
unbroken. Panahi drives on.

DavidHeslinis editorofScreenEducationandsubeditorof
Metro,and also edits and writesfor onlinefilm journalSenses
ofCinema. Hehaswrittenarticlesonpoliticsandethicsfor
Overland, The National Timesand New Matilda. m


(^1) Fora lookat someof therecentachievementsandongoing
challengesof undergroundcinemain a localcontext,see
DavidHeslin,‘OtherVoices:Grace,Who Waits Aloneand
NewAustralianUnderground Cinema’,Metro, no. 200, 2019,
pp. 136–40.
(^2) See‘IranianFilm­makerJafarPanahiGetsSix­yearSentence’,
BBC News, 20 December2010,
, accessed1 June 2019.
(^3) Panahihas indicatedthat the secondhalf of the film was, in­
deed,planned:‘WithTheMirror[...] I startedto be concerned
with the form.One idea is that in the middleof the film every­
thingwillchange.’SeePanahi,quotedin PeterRist,‘InReal
Time:AnInterviewwithJafarPanahi’,Offscreen, vol. 13,
no. 11, November2009,
, accessed1 June 2019.
(^4) Again,reallifecreepsin:a cursorysearchof theInternetMovie
Database(IMDb),alongsidethe acknowledgementsin 3 Faces’
credits,suggeststhat Jafarireally was shootinganotherfilm

  • The Old Road(ManijehHekmat,2018)– aroundthe time
    3 Faceswasmade,andthatit is likely Hekmat’s voice that
    we overhear on the phone.

(^5) TheleadactorofGheisar, BehrouzVossoughi,is alsoreferred
to in 3 Faceswhen a villager holds up a poster of him as a sym­
bol of virility.
(^6) InTaxi, Panahi’syoungnieceHanabeginsto list someof the
requirementsthat are placedon Iranianfilms in orderfor them
to be consideredfor distribution:‘respectof Islamicheadscarf,
no contactbetweenmen and women,avoidsordidrealism,
avoidviolence,avoidthe use of a tie for good guys ...’ See also
Cinema’,Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty, 10 February2014,
, accessed1 June 2019.
(^7) NewWaveFilms, 3 Facespress kit, 2019, p. 8.
(^8) Recknagel,op.cit.
(^9) SeeHillaryMayell,‘Thousandsof WomenKilledforFamily
“Honor”’,NationalGeographic, 12 February2002,https://
, accessed1 June 2019.
(^10) JafarPanahi,quotedin JenniferMerin,‘JafarPanahiChatswith
JenniferMerinreOffside’,Allianceof WomenFilm Journalists,
11 March2007,
, accessed 1 June
(^11) JafarPanahi,quotedin DougSaunders,‘MyInterviewwithJafar
Panahi’,DougSaundersofficialwebsite,23 May 2007,http://
accessed1 June 2019.
(^12) CelluloidDreams,Taxipresskit, 2015,p. 9.
(^13) His only previousappearancein his own films was in the key
transitionsequenceofTheMirror, in whichhe is brieflyseen dis­
cussinghow to handleMina’sdefectionwith his crew;there,he
is arguablyless a characterthan part of a formalist exercise.
(^14) NewWaveFilms,op.cit.,p.7.
(^15) SeeRachelDonadio,‘JafarPanahi,IranianFilmmaker,Persists
Despitea Ban’,The New York Times, 24 September2015,
, accessed
1 June 2019.
(^16) ‘Iran RightsLawyerWon’tAppealNew Jail Ruling:Husband’,
France 24 , 17 March2019,
, accessed 1 June 2019.
Above, L–R:Jafari; Marziyeh; an elderly villager holds up a poster of Behrouz Vossoughi | © ATOM | Metro Magazine 201• 63

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