Metro Australia – July 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
It wasthethingthatshegotupin themorningfor.AndI’d
saytoher,‘Butwhatif youdon’trecoverfromthesurgery?
Whatif youdie?’Andshe’dsay,‘ButI’ddiea woman.’
She loved the idea of seeing herself in the coffin in a fully
female body.

Clinicin CoffsHarbour,ofColleenYoung– theincreas-
ingly frail, elderlytransgendersubjectof Ian W Thomson’s
documentaryBecoming Colleen (2019), from where these
Oh, had Doris Wishmanonly not gottenthere first with the
title of her notorious1977 transploitationquasi-documentary,
or else the perfectsubtitlefor Thomson’sfilm wouldhave
been ‘Let Me Die a Woman’!Instead,the filmmakeropted
for ‘Finding the Shoe That Fits’, shoehorning Young’s love of

femininefootwearinto an awkward,sugar-coatedmeta-
phor for a sadly abbreviated,late-in-lifegendertransition.
For a film whosefocus is on someonedetermined,
belatedly,to live authenticallyand beacknowledgedas
the womanshe alwayswantedto be after eighty-two
years performinga conventionalmale persona,it is apt
thatBecomingColleenopenswith a caveatthat Young’s
familyand friendsoften refer to her ‘usingthe male pro-
nounsthey knew her by’. Misgendering– a perennial
high-rankeramongtrans people’sgreatestbugbears– is,
alas, rampantin interviewsthroughoutThomson’shighly
affecting,yet flawed(and occasionallyeven amateurish),
documentaryportrait–cum–gentle agitprop for greater
By featuringthis caveatat its very outset,the film frames
proper pronoun usage as the foremost metonym for the

Above: Colleen Young



Transitioningis alreadya tryingprocess,demandingmuchfromthebody,themindand
interpersonalrelationships,butthejourneybecomesevenmorecomplicatedwhenit is
undergonein oldage.Sucha stepwastakenbyoctogenarianColleenYoung,whose
experienceof genderaffirmationis chronicledin Ian W Thomson’sdocumentary– one
that, accordingtoCerise Howard, is simultaneously poignant and piecemeal.

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