Blade – September 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

requiring minimal equipment and skill.
Th ese will continue to evolve over the
coming years.”
Crenshaw pointed to a shift in design
approaches. “I’ve been saying that the
massive tank-like ‘Rambo’ knives are
going to be replaced by ‘James Bond’
gent’s tacticals, and I am seeing this,”
he stated. “Folders dominate and
they’re becoming more slim and light
while keeping the high-tech, tough
construction. Fixed blades are even
shift ing in that direction. Sharpened pry
bars are being superseded by 5-inch fi xed
Balisongs also were on the upswing,
f uele d no doubt by t he i nc re a s e i n you nger
buyers and also the third annual balisong
competition sponsored by BladeHQ, and
also a BLADE University class on the
subject by BRS and BladeHQ. (Editor’s
note: Corbin Lovins won the balisong
competition, with Stu Hopson placing
second and Jeff rey Durr third.)
“I did see a lot of balisongs coming out,”
Weikum noted. “Rick Hinderer has a new

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