Blade – September 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


he beauty of knives is there is
no shortage of variations, one of
which is the “exchange-a-blade”
model. Some come with diff erent-style
blades available, while others make it so
you never have to sharpen them. Either
way, I have always found the idea novel
and have a couple of older examples in
my collection.
Th is time the three test knives are the
Boker Optima, Outdoor Edge Razorlite
EDC and Case XX Changer. Th ey’re
neither new nor groundbreaking, but that
doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a good
once-over. Having your choice of blades
or the ability to get a sharp one without
having to actually sharpen it does have its

I must say the Boker Optima is a looker!
I have oft en admired this style of Boker’s
lockback. Aesthetically, the folder checks
off all the boxes for me.
At 4.75 inches closed, it is a beefy tool.
It has stainless steel liners, nickel silver
bolsters and Delrin scales. As fi t and
fi nish goes, this knife is spot on. Th e
main blade is a fl at-ground clip point. I
exercised great control over the Optima
because the handle amply fi lls my hand.
Boker provides a saw as the secondary
blade. It works well but can be too
aggressive. Th e blade’s teeth have a
positive rake to them. Such a positive rake
can cause the saw to hang up. Out of the
box, the main blade was sharp. Even so, I
am going to strop it a bit to get more out
of it.
I did a lot of test cutting on some
seasoned oak because I wanted to
“separate the boys from the men.” Th e
Optima did well and held its own with the
knife blade, but, as mentioned, it hung up
on the saw once I was into the cut.
Changing the blade was a key challenge,
and the change was straightforward.
However, I would note that with the saw
installed the blade sits too high, leaving
the teeth exposed toward the tip.
If I had to pick a disappointment about
the Optima, it would be the sheath.
Conceptually it is a good design, but, as
far as the fi t is concerned, someone forgot
to measure. Th e sheath is way too tight
and compresses the blade farther into the
handle as you slide the knife in. Using the
word slide is a bit generous. Th is would be

a great carry if the sheath just had a bit
more room. My suggestion? If you like
the knife, buy and repurpose the sheath,
which features a horizontal and vertical
carry setup. It is well made, so I will
repurpose it for a knife that fi ts it better.
As for the Optima itself, it is a solid

piece of kit; it just needs a diff erent home.

In the past when I had to change the
insert on this knife style, I found it trying
at the very least. In fact, it usually ended
with me using language that would turn

grinds,grinds,givinggivingthetheknivesknivesa thina thin
crosscrosssection—idealsection—idealforfora numbera number
of huntingof hunting knife needs.knifeneeds.

grindgrinddoesdoesa gooda goodjobjobwithwithaa
Boker,Boker, even on hardwoods.evenonhardwoods.
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