Blade – September 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

caseoftheRazorlite,I cansayI wouldnot
hesitatetogetanother one.Itcomes in
three color schemes: blue on black, orange

onblackandgrayonblack. I would rock
theRazorliteasanEDC, and, at its price
point,nothavea worryabout it. Note: For
extraRazorliteinserts,packs of six and 24

The CaseXXChanger comes with four
blades: drop-point, clip-point and full
flat-groundpatterns,and a saw.
Changing out the blades is done the
sameasontheBokerOptima. Actually,
thedesignis identical—and no, the Case
bladeswon’tfit theBoker. (Like I didn’t
Usingthesawonthe XX Changer was
easierbecauseit didnot tend to hang up.
However,I amsurprised that the saw was
notmoreaggressive.Both the clip- and
drop-pointbladesare hollow ground.
Case uses a boning-knife profi le style
for the flat-ground blade, which, to no
surprise,canbeusedas a boning knife.
Nonetheless,thebladelacks fl exibility to
matchanactualbutcher pattern.
Overall, the setup makes it a useful
knife.I suggestthat ifyou are going to
have so ma ny blade con fi gurations for one

knife, you might want to add a serrated
option. I would take a serrated blade over
a second razor-edge hollow-ground one.
Case provides a simple nylon pouch
sheath featuring a molded plastic insert
designed with a separate place for each
blade. I got the camo synthetic handle
style, which is warm to the touch and not
too heavy. I can see myself carrying this
knife, even with so many blades onboard.
I think it would fi nd its home at any
hunting camp.

Time and time again, a good idea that can
be executed in diff erent ways always seems
to come around. Whether the reason for
the knife is for the ease of sharpening or
the advantage of having a choice of blade
styles, I am sure this is not the last we will
see of the exchange-a-blade category. If
you get a chance, judge this type of knife
for yourself to determine if it fi ts the bill
for you.

For the contact information for the knives
in the story see “Where To Get ’Em” on
page 71.

For the latest knives, knife news, trends
and more, BLADE®’s
popular Instagram page at @blade_
magazine, and on Facebook and Tw i t t e r.

thethesturdinesssturdinessof theof theRazorliteRazorliteEDC’sEDC’s
unfoundedunfoundedasasit cutit cutsomesomeprettyprettysizablesizable
shavingsshavings from the maple dowel.fromthemapledowel.

TheTheXXXXChangerChangerfits intofits intothethepouchpouch
sheathsheathandandthethedifferentdifferentbladesblades nestle nestle
insideinside the plastic insert.theplasticinsert.
One issue the author has with the Optima
is when closed the saw blade does not
perfectly seat in the handle.

A well-designed pocket clip carries the
Razorlite EDC. The clip’s tip has a nice
opening, allowing it to catch the rim of a
pocket and slide on easily.

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