Home New Zealand – August 01, 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1



Q&A with Kate and Daniel

Sullivan of Architects’ Creative

You’ve said the adaptive reuse of
the original house was a sustainable
approach, whereas others might have
bowled it. Can you measure the costs
of retaining and reusing as opposed
to building new? Daniel Sullivan— We
saw too much value in the original home
to consider demolition – amazing cast
in-situ features and character that simply
can’t be replicated today. Fortunately, the
structure of the building was incredibly
sound. At a time when we had lost so
many examples of unique masonry
buildings in the earthquakes, we saw this
as an opportunity to retain and enhance
a building that clearly had so much love
and energy put into it by the original
owner. It took 12 years starting in 1940
for the house to be completed, plus the
seven years we put into it. For us, value far
outweighed cost. Kate Sullivan— We took
a slow-architecture approach. Living here
throughout has enabled us to stage the
work in a way we could afford.

You’ve said you would rather forgo
a big site with a lawn to mow every
Sunday for compact living. How is the
house working for you and your family?
DS— We will stay here. We want to
see the boys grow up here. It’s a small
footprint on a small site but we’ve been

clever with the planning and have spaces
to retreat to on our own. The beach is only
50 metres away and there’s the peninsula
and city within close proximity – it’s all
on the doorstop.

What sort of consent process did
you have to go through? DS— The
site is quite narrow and resource
consent was required for minor building
envelope intrusion. As architects, we
believe in designing dwellings that are
good neighbours, respecting access to
daylight and privacy outlook to adjacent
properties. The pop-up is located away
from the southern boundary, ensuring
any potential shading was minimised.
The northern-eastern wall has no glazing,
ensuring there are no overlooking issues.

How have you managed privacy from
the neighbours? KS— Creating privacy
and outlook is very important and can
be challenging on higher density sites.
We’ve used landscaping for screening and
level changes in the garden to form small
private spots. In the extension, windows
and three large skylights create a light-
filled space with as much privacy as
possible. The rooftop garden will gradually
be filled with planting and sculpture,
providing more privacy as it evolves.

Ground Floor

  1. Entry

  2. Bedroom

  3. Living

  4. Library

  5. Hallway

  6. Bathroom

  7. WC

  8. Laundry
    9. Deck
    10. Garden
    11. Storage
    12. Studio
    13. Dining
    14. Kitchen
    15. Roof deck
    16. En suite


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The laundry sits inside
the original footprint.


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