Home New Zealand – August 01, 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1


My favourite


Convenor of Museums and Cultural
Heritage at the University of Auckland,
Linda Tyler admires the structural
innovation of the Wintergardens, which
opened at Auckland Domain in 1928.


Sam Hartnett


“Entering the moist, warm air of the
barrel-vaulted Tropical House on
a cold, foggy morning in winter is a
transporting experience. As well as
revelling in colourful displays of flowers
and ornamental vegetables, you can
marvel at the intricacies of the structure.
Ninety years old, it’s still fit for purpose,
marrying form and function effortlessly.

It’s the work of 44-year-old Aucklander
William Gummer, of Gummer and Ford,
which was formed in 1923. Gummer had
stepped back into the Auckland scene
a decade earlier, after years of study and
working overseas. He had learned to
detail grand country houses in England
with Edwin Lutyens, and retained a
predilection for brick and masonry.
The influence of his time in America
is evident in the stripped classicism
of his monumental Auckland Railway
Station, completed in 1926. Working
with Chicago practice DH Burnham
& Co, he had detailed skyscrapers,
learning to exploit the strength of steel
in expansive glazing.

While the steel lattice structure of
the trusses supporting the roof arch
is admirable, the entire environment
is miraculous. Armed with knowledge
of the very latest techniques, Gummer
was able to achieve a consistent
temperature by balancing magnified
heat from the sun, underfloor heating
and humidity from the watering system
and plants through ventilation, achieved
with a complicated pulley system for
opening windows.

I enjoy the contrast of the solid masonry
buttresses with the transparency of
the roof, and relish details like the
circular window mullions and roof
lantern. I think of the Wintergardens
as Auckland’s answer to the Crystal
Palace, both lush and splendid.”
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