Australian Knitting - July 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
76 AustralianKnitting

S titch with S tyle


  • 1 x 100gm ball Sirdar Denim Ultra


  • 9.00mm 40cm circular

  • 9.00mm set of 4 double pointed

Fits average woman’s head

9.5 sts to 10cm over stocking stitch

I-Cord and Earflaps – make 2
With 9.00mm dpns cast on 4 sts.
Knit 4, * do not turn, push sts to other

end of needle, holding across back of
work, knit 4 *.
Repeat this row until work measures
Next row: Turn, purl 2, m1 (m1=pick
up horizontal loop between stitches
and purl into back of it), purl 2. 5 sts
Do not cast off, continue on earflaps.
Working in Rows:
Row 1: k1, m1 (m1 = pick up
horizontal loop between stitches
and knit into back of it), k to last st,
m1, k1.
Row 2: Purl
Repeat these 2 rows until 15 sts,
finishing with a WS row. Leave t
hese sts on holder. Cut yarn leaving
10cm tail.

With 9.00mm circular, cast on 15
sts. With RS facing knit across 1st
earflap, cast on further 15 sts. With
RS facing, knit across 2nd earflap.
60 sts. Place marker and continue to
work in rounds, ensuring there are
no twists in sts.
Rounds 1-4: * p1, k1 *, repeat from
* to end.
Rounds 5-10: Knit
Shape Crown
Change to dpns when necessary.
Round 1: * k8, K2tog *, rep from * to
end. 54 sts.
Round 2 and all alternate rounds:
Round 3: * k7, K2tog *, rep from * to
end. 48 sts.
Round 5: * k6, K2tog *, rep from * to
end. 42 sts.
Round 7: * k5, K2tog *, rep from * to
end. 36 sts.
Round 9: * k4, K2tog *, rep from * to
end. 30 sts.
Round 11: * k3, K2tog *, rep from *
to end. 24 sts.
Round 13: * k2, K2tog *, rep from *
to end. 18 sts.
Round 15: * k1, K2tog *, rep from *
to end. 12 sts.
Round 17: * K2tog across round. 6 sts.

Leaving 25cm tail, thread needle and
draw through remaining 6 sts on
needle. Fasten securely and weave in
tail. Using yarn from beg of I cords,
gather in to neaten.

Wool available.

The Wool Inn
Shop 14, 450 High Street
Penrith NSW
Ph: 02 4732 2201

Denim Ultra Aviator Hat – The Wool Inn

Denim ltra viator Hat

This classic design has a new twist with Denim Ultra wool.

Free download pdf