Australian Knitting - July 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
80 AustralianKnitting

S titch with S tyle

Row1: k4, yf, k14.
Row 2 and every even row to row
36: knit.
Row 3: k4, yf, k15.
Row 5: k4, yf, k16.
Row 7: k4, yf, k17.
Row 9: k4, yf, k18.
Row 11: k4, yf, k19.
Row 13: k4, yf, k20.
Row 15: k4, yf, k21.
Row 17: k4, yf, k22.
Row 19: k4, yf, k23.
Row 21: k4, yf, k24.
Row 23: k4, yf, k25.
Row 25: k4, yf, k26.
Row 27: k4, yf, k27.
Row 29: k4, yf, k28.
Row 31: k4, yf, k29.
Row 33: k4, yf, k30.
Row 35: k4, yf, k31.
Row 37: k4, yf, k32.
Row 38: Cast off 18 sts, k 18 sts.
Change to holding 2 strands of Denim.
Repeat from row 1 to row 38.
This makes one petal completing row
1 to row 38.
Continue alternating between Teal
and Denim colours until 6 petals
have been knitted, finishing with
Denim colour.
Complete 7 lily pads.

Using 4mm needles and holding
1 strand at the same time each of
Magnolia and Pawpaw, cast on 6 sts.
Row 1: knit into front and back of

each st (12 sts).
Row 2: purl.
Row 3: knit.
Row 4: purl.
Row 5: knit into front and back of
each st (24 sts).
Row 6: purl.
Row 7: knit.
Row 8: purl.
Row 9: knit into front and back of
each st (48 sts).
Row 10: purl.
Row 11: knit.
Row 12: purl.
Row 13: knit into front and back of
each st (96 sts).
Row 14: purl.
Row 15: knit.
Row 16: purl.
Row 17: * knit into front and back of
st, k1*, repeat from * to * to end of
row (144 sts).
Row 18: purl.
Row 19: knit.
Row 20: purl.

For centre flower only:
Cast off 1 st, transfer st to left
needle, cast on 5 sts, cast off 7 sts,
* transfer st to left needle, cast on 5
sts, cast off 7 sts *.
Repeat from * to * to end of row.

For all other flowers:
Row 21: Cast off.

Sew in ends securely using a large
eyed sewing needle.

Lily pads:
Fold lily pads in half with right sides
together. Stitch to form a circle.
Using a large eyed sewing needle with
1 strand of denim, thread yarn through
edge stitches and gently pull up to form
a circle (diameter approximately 13cm).
To sew lily pads together, place 6 lily
pads on a flat surface, pin and join
seams, alternating colours.

Centre Lily Pad:
Place 7th lily pad on top of the centre
overlapping circle of lily pads. Pin well
and with denim, stitch using a small
tacking stitch.

Outer flowers:
Fold flowers into 4 and mark with a
pin the quarter points. Fold lily pad
into 4 and again mark with a pin the
quarter points. Match pin to pin and
using Pawpaw stitch flower to lily pad
approximately 10cm in from edge of
flower, on the right side using a small
tacking stitch. Gently roll flower edges
to add texture.

Centre flower:
Stitch as for outer flowers.

Yarns available.

Kaalund Yarns
Yarn Store & Weaving Studio
Cnr Shaw Road & Vale Street
Wavell Heights, Brisbane, Australia
Ph: 0437 088 125
Fax: +61 7 3267 6266

Lily Pad Seasons Throw continued ...
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