Australian Knitting - July 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
82 AustralianKnitting

S titch with S tyle

Row 5: K1, p2, k3; [k2tog, yo, k2,
p2, k3]; 6 (8, 10) times; k2tog, yo,
k2, p1.
Row 7: K1, p2, k2, k2tog; [yo, k3, p2,
k,2 k2tog]; 6 (8, 10) times; yo, k3,
Row 9: P3, k1, k2tog, yo; [k1, p5, k1,
k2tog, yo]; 6 (8, 10) times; k1, p4.
Row 11: K3, k2tog, yo, k1; [k1, p2,
k3, k2tog, yo, k1]; 6 (8, 10) times;
k1, p2, k2.
Row 13: K2, k2tog, yo, k2; [k1, p2,
k2, k2tog, yo, k2]; 6 (8, 10) times;
k1, p2, k2.
Row 15: K1, k2tog, yo, k1, p2; [p3,
k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p2]; 6 (8, 10)
times; p3, k2.
Row 17: K2tog, yo, k2, p2; [k3,
k2tog, yo, k2, p2]; 6 (8, 10) times;
Row 18: K the knit sts and p the purl
sts and purl the yo’s (work sts as they
Rep these 18 rows for Main patt B.

Starting at Left Front using 4mm
needles, cast on 65 (83, 101) sts.
Row 1: (RS) K1, p2, k2; [p2, k3, p2,
k2] 6 (8, 10) times; p2, k3, p1.
Row 2 and all other WS rows: K the
knit sts and p the purl sts, work sts as
they appear.
Rep these 2 rows for 7 (7, 8)cm, end
with a WS row.

Beg Main Pattern
Work in Main patt A until piece
measures approx 54 (57, 64) cm from
beg, ensure to end with row 18 of patt
A. Count patt A repeats worked.
Place marker each end of last row.

Work in Main patt A until same
amount of repeats have been worked
as for front, ensure to end with row
18 of patt.
Next Row: RS – K1, p2, k2; [p2, k3,
p2, k2]; 14 (19) times; p2, k3, p1.
Next Row: K the knit sts and p the
purl sts, work sts as they appear.
Rep these 2 rows for 7 (7, 8) cm, end
with a WS row.
Cast off loosely, making sure cast-off
edge has same stretch as cast-on
edge in rib.

Starting at Right Front using 4mm
needles, cast on 65 (83, 101) sts.
Row 1: RS – P1, k3, p2; [k2, p2, k3,
p2] 6 (8, 10) times; k2, p2, k1.
Row 2 and all other WS rows: – K
the knit sts and p the purl sts, work
sts as they appear.
Rep these 2 rows for 7 (7, 8) cm, end
with a WS row.

Beg Main Pattern
Work in Main patt B until piece
measures approx 54 (57, 64) cm
from beg, ensure to end with row 18
of patt B. Count patt B repeats worked
(and ensure to end with same amount
of repeats as for Left Front).
Place marker each end of last row.

Work in Main patt B until same amount
of repeats have been worked as for
Right Front (and Left Back), making
sure to end with row 18 of patt.
Next Row: RS – P1, k3, p2; [k2, p2,
k3, p2] 14 (19) times; k2, p2, k1.
Next Row: – K the knit sts and p the
purl sts, work sts as they appear.
Rep these 2 rows for 7 (7, 8) cm, end
with a WS row.
Cast off loosely (ensure cast-off edge
has same stretch as cast-on edge) in rib.
With RSF, place marker at side seam
edge 14 (16, 19) cm down from

shoulder marker on Left Front and Left
Back to denote pickup edge for sleeve.
Place markers on Right Front and Back
to match.

With RSF and 4mm needles, pick up
and k33 (37, 43) sts from marker to
shoulder and again 33 (37, 43) sts
down to 2nd marker = 66 (74, 86) sts.
Row 1: WS – P2; *k2, p2; rep from *
to end.
Row 2: K2; *p2, k2; rep from * to end.
Rep last 2 rows for 9 (10, 13) cm.
Change to 3.75mm needles.
Cont in rib until sleeve measures 14
(16, 16) cm from beg.
Cast off loosely in rib.
Repeat for 2nd sleeve.

Join backs from cast-off edge to 5cm
below shoulder markers.
With RSF, beg at Left Front lower
front edge, work 1 row of backwards
crochet up front to centre back neck
and down Right Front to cast-on edge.
Sew on clasps or make crochet flower.

Using 3.5mm crochet hook, ch 17.
Row 1: RS – Dc 1 into 2nd ch from
hook, *ch 1, dc 1 into next ch; rep
from * to end.
Row 2: Ch 3, * into next
space, dc 2 into next space; rep
from * to end.
Row 3: *Ch 3, dc into next space, ch
3, slip st into same space as the dc 2,
slip st 1 into next space; rep from *,
end with ch 3, dc 2 into next space.
Let it spiral up naturally, gather up
firm and stitch together using a wool
needle. Secure ends.
Make separate chain lengths, one each
of 13 ch, 15 ch and 20 ch; leave
longer end for bead.
Attach bead to one end of each length.
Attach all 3 lengths to centre of flower.
Attach flower to kilt pin.

Wools available.

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