Architect Middle East – August 2019

(Marcin) #1

Cityscape 2019

LWK+Partners to present global projects

at the annual event

For almost two decades, Cityscape Global has played a key
part in shaping the region’s real estate market by bringing
together local and international investors, homebuyers and
industry professionals.
Set to take place from 25 to 27 September 2019, at Dubai’s
World Trade Centre, this year’s event promises to showcase
new projects while providing a platform for networking and
knowledge exchange.
LWK+Partners will host its own stand, where it hopes to
reinforce its presence in the Middle East and North Africa.
Showcasing its broad spectrum of design work by highlight-
ing six projects including the Hanging Garden Bridge (UAE)
commissioned by Dubai’s RTA, Pavilia Bay (Hong Kong),
Chongqing Jiangshan Yun Chu (China), Vanke Chongqing
Headquarters (China), Vanke Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia),
and the Nanjing Paradise walk (China), the firm hopes to il-
lustrate its vast international experience as well as what it
hopes to bring to regional development.
“Our primary focus is communicating that we are a so-
lution driven global business,” said the architects. “We are
present because we believe in the UAE and the MENA re-
gion, and through innovation in design, solutions rooted in
tried and tested markets such as Hong Kong and China, we
hope to foster open and collaborative partnerships that will
deliver quality design, technical excellence and commercial
success to the regional and international markets in which
we operate.”
Having established its Middle East office more than one
year ago, LWK+Partners has begun delivering projects in the
UAE, greater GCC and further afield.

Across Cultures: Architecture in the
Age of Globalisation

When: 24 September 2019, 14:45
Where: Cityscape Global Conference
About: In his keynote presentation, Ivan Fu, director of
LWK+Partners and CEO of C Cheng Holdings Limited will ad-
dress three main questions: In what way can the fundamental-
ly different attitudes towards space, materials and iconography
that are at work in Chinese architecture be integrated in other
parts of the world? How should countries like China, which
have a very high population density already, prepare them-
selves for further population growth even more in the coming
decades? How are architecture and design being redefined by
the new generation of professionals and what is the changing
role of architects?

In addition to its stand, Ivan Fu, CEO of C Cheng Hold-
ings Limited (the first listed architectural service pro-
vider in Hong Kong and mainland China) and director of
LWK+Partners will give a keynote presentation during the
Cityscape Global Conference.
“We firmly believe that the sharing economy is emerging
as an important influencer,” the architects said. “This goes
hand-in-hand with the creation of sustainable communities
in the context of densification, permeability, mobility and
diversity in our urban environments.
“Our MENA studio is a leader in this debate and will seek
to continue our leadership though innovative explorations
across this agenda and how they will add value to all the key
stakeholders in our broader community.”

Ivan Fu


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