Architect Middle East – August 2019

(Marcin) #1

Rights of Future Generations intends to explore how in-
heritance, legacy and the state of the environment are passed
from one generation to the next, and how present decisions
have long-term intergenerational consequences, as well as
how other expressions of co-existence, including indigenous
ones, might challenge dominant western perspectives.
Lahoud noted that inherent in the theme is a commitment
to address climate change as the most urgent challenge facing
humanity today.
“Through its exploration of how particular conditions in
the Global South produce unique relationships between hu-
man beings and the environment, the triennial seeks to bring
awareness to specific models,” he said. “Ones that allow inter-
acting and living with the environment, rather than dividing
ourselves from it.”
In addition to raising awareness via the exhibition and pub-
lic events, the triennial has formed the Rights of Future Gen-
erations Working Group. Its mission is to advance the pro-
tection of future generations’ fundamental rights in a world
where climate change is dramatically shifting along socio-
economic, legal, gender, racial and political dimensions.
The group will collaboratively produce the Sharjah Charter


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