Daily Mail - 13.08.2019

(Elle) #1

Daily Mail, Tuesday, August 13, 2019 Page 15

Red faced, Green whose man-free

Cabinet only included white MPs

Horse girl


Soham killer

Huntley ‘has


jail girlfriend

called Luna’

SOHAM killer Ian Huntley is in a
relationship with a transgen-
der prisoner, it is claimed.
The 45-year-old is understood
to spend a lot of time with the
inmate known as ‘Luna’.
Huntley, who murdered ten-
year-old schoolgirls Holly Wells
and Jessica Chapman, is serving
a double life sentence at Fran-
kland jail in County Durham.
The prison is not currently
investigating as it has no evi-
dence the relationship is roman-
tic or sexual, it is understood.
But there have been claims
Luna is referred to as Huntley’s
‘girlfriend’ and that they spend
time together inside his cell.
A prison source told The Sun:
‘Luna wears make-up, dresses
in female clothes and identifies
as a woman. She is likely to end
up in a women’s prison, which
will upset Huntley. Everyone
calls Luna Huntley’s “girlfriend”
and they spend a lot of time
together, including in his cell.’
Generally, inmates are placed
in same-sex prisons according
to their legal gender. Excep-
tions can be made by a panel.
Huntley killed Holly and Jes-
sica in Soham, Cambridgeshire,
where he was a school care-
taker, in 2002, dumping their
bodies in a ditch. He took part in
the search for the girls – even
being interviewed on TV. He was
convicted in December 2003.
The Ministry of Justice said:
‘We don’t comment on individ-
ual prisoners.’

By Jemma Buckley
Crime Correspondent

AN ARMY captain’s
daughter with a bright
future in eventing has
died after falling from her
horse at the family farm.
Iona Sclater, 15, was an
‘exceptionally talented’
rider and had been longlis-
ted to represent Britain at
a competition this week.
But on Sunday, the teenager
is understood to have fallen
while practising at her home
in the Cambridgeshire village
of Abington Pigotts.
Paramedics who arrived by
air and road were unable to
save her after her family
dialled 999 at about 11.30am,
and she died at the scene.
She leaves behind her father
Charles, a former British
Army captain, mother Hetty,
thought to be a former event-
ing rider, and her two younger
sisters Lara and Alicia.
Eventing sees riders com-
pete in dressage, cross-coun-
try and show-jumping.
Writing online five days
ago, Iona posted a photo of
herself with horse ‘Swatchy’
at Frickley Park horse trials in
South Yorkshire. She cap-
tioned it: ‘Find me someone
who looks at me the way
Swatchy does.’
Tributes yesterday poured
in for Iona, as devastated
friends described her as ‘the
most delightful, talented and
personable young lady’ with a
‘very bright future’.
A friend wrote on Facebook:
‘Sincere condolences to Iona’s
family and friends. Such a

tragic loss of a beautiful girl
with her life in front of her.’
With the 2019 European
eventing championships
set to take place in Strzegom,
Poland, from Thursday, the
friend added: ‘RIP Iona,
your friends will carry
you with them in Poland
this week.’
Another wrote: ‘I had
the pleasure of knowing Iona
through her family and the
Pony Club. She was so much
fun, always smiling.’
One said: ‘Oh my dear god!!
I can’t believe what I’m read-
ing! Iona Sclater you were the
most delightful, talented and
personable young lady I know

body for eventing said: ‘Brit-
ish Eventing was devastated
to receive the news that
one of our young members
and bright stars in the sport,
Iona Sclater, sadly died in
a riding accident at home.
Iona was an exceptionally tal-
ented and dedicated young
event rider.’
The organisation said she
had amassed 33 top-ten
results and represented the
Eastern region four times at
the under-18 British champi-
onships. She came second in
the pony trial at Weston Park
and fourth at Lincolnshire tri-
als in April, both on her pony
Foxtown Cufflynx.
Most recently, Iona won the
BE100u18 – a British event-

ing competition for under-
18s – at Stratford Hills, Col-
chester, in June, riding
Foxtown Cufflynx. She also
claimed the win at a compe-
tition at Aston le Walls,
Northamptonshire, in May
riding Machno Excalibur.
A spokesman for East of
England Ambulance Service
said: ‘An ambulance, two
hazardous area response
team vehicles, a rapid
response vehicle and East
Anglian air ambulance were
called to Abington Pigotts
shortly after 11.30am on Sun-
day, following reports of a
child injured in a fall from a
horse. Sadly, despite the
best efforts of all involved, the
girl died at the scene.’

By Jim Norton


AS the country’s only Green MP,
Caroline Lucas came up with an
inevitably very right-on proposal
to see off a No Deal Brexit – an
all-female Cabinet.
But the Brighton MP was given a some-
what painful lesson in political correct-
ness yesterday when forced to apologise
for her list of women after it was pointed
out that everyone on it was white.
Miss Lucas had urged ten high-profile
women cross-party politicians to come
together in a Cabinet of national unity.
Writing in The Guardian – of course – she
said it could ‘bring a different perspec-
tive’ and force a no-confidence vote in
Boris Johnson to prevent No Deal. But

she apologised yesterday, admitting she
was ‘wrong to overlook’ her ‘women of
colour colleagues’.
She wrote on Facebook: ‘An all-white
list of women isn’t right. I should have
reached out further and thought more
deeply about who, and what kind of poli-
tics, an all-white list represents. I apolo-
gise.’ She added: ‘There are women of

colour colleagues who are standing up to
this Government’s reckless gamble with
Britain’s future, and it was wrong to
overlook them.’
Miss Lucas had suggested the Cabinet
could include Labour’s Emily Thornberry,
Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson, and
former Tory minister Justine Greening.
Her plan was also rejected yesterday by
politicians invited to join, and others who
weren’t. International Trade Secretary
Liz Truss, who wasn’t, tweeted: ‘Is there
anything more sexist than claiming your
gender determines your worldview/
behaviour/ attitude?’
And Labour MP Clive Lewis asked:
‘Where are the BAME [black, Asian and
minority ethnic] women politicians?’

By Claire Ellicott
Political Correspondent

Bright star: Iona
Sclater died while
practising at her
family’s farm


with a very bright future
ahead of you. I’m absolutely
devastated.’ Several of the
girl’s close ancestors and rela-
tives appear in the online
database of British aristoc-
racy, thepeerage.com.
Her grandfather, Lieuten-
ant-Commander Edward Guy
Lutley Sclater, became a
farmer after serving in the
Royal Navy and owns the land
where Iona died.
Her parents, both 48, have
been directors of their own
firm, The Infrastructure Net-
work, since 2010, according to
Companies House.
In a statement, the national

‘Exceptionally talented’

15-year-old poised to

represent her country

dies in riding accident

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