Daily Mail - 13.08.2019

(Elle) #1
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including a ‘VIP meet-and-greet’.
A spokesman appeared to suggest
yesterday that his comments were
taken out of context.
But Mr Farage seemingly refused
to back down about Prince Charles,
telling Sky News Australia: ‘All I
can say about the Queen and his
succession is this – the Queen

Mother was a chain-smoking gin
drinker who did not look after her-
self at all and lived to 101. The
Queen is 93 and looks fit, may she
reign for a very long time.’
In 2008, Mr Farage was the sole
MEP who refused to applaud a
speech given by Charles on cli-
mate change at the EU, saying the

prince’s advisers were ‘naive and
foolish at best’.
Dickie Arbiter, the Queen’s former
press secretary, last night angrily
accused the ‘braggart’ politician of
trying to boost his profile. He said:
‘Why does he need to bring up the
Queen Mother who died 15 years
ago after a lifetime of service? As

for her drinking? People in glass
houses shouldn’t throw stones.’
He added: ‘Harry and Meghan
will no doubt do what everyone
else should do: ignore him.’
The Duke and Duchess of Sus-
sex have faced public criticism for
their frequent comments on social
activism and climate change.

He labels Harry ‘Prince of

wokeness’, attacks ‘Charlie

Boy’ over climate change

... and mocks the late

Queen Mother’s weight

the real problem the Earth faces,
and that is the fact the population
of the globe is exploding but no
one dares talk about it, no one
dares deal with it.
‘Whether Prince Harry has two
kids is irrelevant given there are
now 2.6billion Chinese and
Indians on this Earth.’ Mr Farage

NIGEL Farage has launched an
astonishing attack on the Royal
Family, pouring scorn on Prince
Harry’s ‘wokeness’ and branding
the Queen Mother a ‘slightly
overweight, chain-smoking
gin drinker’.
In an incendiary speech at a dinner
in Australia, the Brexit Party leader
lambasted Prince Charles, who he
dubbed ‘Charlie Boy’, for his views
on climate change.
Much of his ire was reserved for the
Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Mr Farage
claimed Harry had become ‘the Prince of
wokeness’ since meeting Meghan Markle

  • and his popularity had ‘fallen off a cliff ’.
    The term ‘woke’ describes people who
    support equality issues, but is also used
    as a sarcastic insult for those who are
    overly politically correct.
    Mr Farage said the once party-loving
    prince, who served on the frontline in
    Afghanistan, used to be one of the most
    popular members of the Royal Family.
    He seemed to speak approvingly of his
    antics as a younger man, saying: ‘Here
    was Harry – young, brave, boisterous,
    all-male, getting into trouble, turning up
    at stag parties inappropriately dressed,
    drinking too much and causing all sorts
    of mayhem.
    ‘And then, a brave British officer who
    did his bit in Afghanistan. He was the
    most popular royal of a younger genera-
    tion that we’ve seen for a hundred years.
    And then he met Meghan Markle and
    it’s fallen off a cliff.’
    Mr Farage mocked Harry’s admission
    that he and his wife have decided to
    have only two children due to the envi-
    ronmental effects of a large family.
    He said: ‘We’re all completely ignoring
    Knives out: Nigel Farage, pictured at the dinner in Sydney, let rip at Prince Harry, his wife Meghan and Prince Charles

By Rebecca English
Royal Correspondent

‘May she reign for
a very long time’

By Jaya Narain

Gas clue to seaside alert Face of hero PC run down by own car

A TOXIC cloud that left up to a
dozen people vomiting on a beach
on Sunday may have been gas
leaking from a sunken First World
War munitions ship.
The Maritime and Coastguard
Agency is investigating after a haze
swept into Worthing, West Sussex.
Dozens of ships containing weap-
ons and poisonous gas were sunk in
the English Channel during the war.
Chemicals were also sealed in con-
tainers and dumped in the sea by
both sides at the end of the conflict.
Now it is feared the ‘rusting time

bombs’ are rupturing in stormy seas,
causing deadly gases to bubble up to
the surface and on to the coast.
In May deadly mustard gas leaked
from a First World War underwater
‘weapons cemetery’ in the North Sea
close to the Belgian coast.
Sussex Police said ‘a small number’
of people reported stinging eyes and
skin, and vomiting. Part of the sea-
front near Worthing Pier was cor-
doned off. The MCA said it was exam-
ining weather patterns and vessel
movements to establish the source.

THIS is the hero policeman seri- By Andy Dolan
ously injured when he was run over
by a carjacker who took the wheel
of his own patrol car.
PC Gareth Phillips, 4, was said to
be in a stable condition in intensive
care yesterday as Mubashar Hus-
sain, 9, appeared at Birmingham
Magistrates’ Court accused of
attempted murder.
The married officer, who has
served with West Midlands Police
for 17 years, suffered a broken pel-
vis as well as head, abdominal and

internal injuries – and underwent
surgery twice over the weekend.
Hussain, of no fixed abode, faced 13
charges related to the incident on
Saturday in Moseley, Birmingham,
and the theft of two Range Rovers.
He appeared with Ahsan Ghafoor,
4, also of no fixed abode, who is
accused of dangerous driving and
other offences. They were remanded
in custody to appear at Birmingham
Crown Court on September 9.


[She was] a slightly

overweight, chain-

smoking gin drinker

[Harry] was the most popular royal

of a younger generation... then he

met Meghan, and it’s fallen off a cliff


Daily Mail, Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Fa r a g e


at royals

Surgery: PC Phillips

was speaking at a meeting of the
Right-wing Conservative Politi-
cal Action Conference in Sydney
on Saturday.
Although media were barred,
leaked recordings have emerged.
It is unusual for a politician, par-
ticularly one who holds office – Mr
Farage has been an MEP since
1999 – to publicly criticise mem-
bers of the Royal Family.
One of the few royals to escape
his wrath was the Queen, who he
lauded as ‘an amazing, awe-inspir-
ing woman’, adding: ‘We’re bloody
lucky to have her.’
But Mr Farage turned his guns
on her son, saying: ‘When it comes
to Charlie Boy and climate change

  • oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.’
    He went on: ‘If I want the Queen
    to live a long time to stop Charlie
    Boy becoming king, I want Charlie
    Boy to live even longer and Wil-
    liam to live forever to stop Harry
    becoming king. Terrifying!’
    Mr Farage is currently on a
    speaking tour of Australia and
    New Zealand, with tickets for
    some events priced at £50 to £170,

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