Daily Mail - 13.08.2019

(Elle) #1
Daily Mail, Tuesday, August 13, 2019 Page 


Naked teenage girls.

A sinister ‘temple’.

Inside the exclusive

retreat his famous

pals couldn’t resist

that Scully saw when he was on
the island but also topless girls,
riding off-roaders and sunbathing,
who ‘couldn’t have been more
than 15 or 16 years old’.
Despite all the statements and
all the interviews given by
Epstein’s victims and those who
worked for him, there is one part
of Little St James that remains a

complete mystery. It is a curious
building on the southwest
headland of the island that
some suspect may represent the
heart of Epstein’s sordid sex-
trafficking activities.
Measuring 30ft square and about
30ft high, the box-like building
had a golden dome until it was
thought to have been blown off in

a storm. The walls are painted in
thick blue-and-white stripes and
there is a locking bar placed across
one of the doors.
Surrounding the building is a
terrace featuring some sort of
labyrinthine pattern.
According to the drawings in the
original planning application, the
building was supposed to be

octagonal and to contain a bath-
room and a living room, in which
was to be placed a grand piano.
So what exactly is the curious
building for?
Some say it is simply a music
room where Epstein — who was
reputed to be a brilliant pianist —
could tinkle the ivories. Others
say it is a gym but that seems

unlikely, given that the mansion
house surely has such a facility.
Because the structure looks like
a temple, you don’t have to be
the biggest conspiracy theorist
on the planet to suppose it is a
place where Epstein carried out
his sexual abuse in an almost
ritualistic fashion.
As one Chicago-based builder
told the website Business Insider,
those locking bars seem posi-
tively sinister.
‘What makes it peculiar is that
if you wanted to keep people
out, the bar would be placed
inside the building,’ said James
Both. ‘But the locking bar
appears to be placed on the out-
side... as if it were intended to
lock people in.’


DD to this the fact that
the room is supposedly
soundproofed and it is
hard not to feel a chill
about the place. Even if the
building was used for entirely
innocent purposes, there is surely
no sane parent on earth who would
allow their teenage daughter to
spend any time there with a man
like Epstein.
In the months to come, doubtless
more secrets about Little St
James will emerge. And, more dis-
turbingly still, it was not even
Epstein’s only island — for he had
also bought the nearby Great St
James in 2016 and was in the
process of trying to develop its 165
acres when he died.
The idea that Epstein was
planning an even greater island of
horrors is perhaps too much to
bear thinking about.

Connections: Epstein mixed
with the likes of Prince Andrew,
far left. Centre, Little St James.
Above, the mystery building
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